how to save exported file directly to owner's drive?

Bronze 4
Bronze 4


I created a button to export a CSV file, but I would like the file to be saved in a folder inside my drive. Is there any way to do this? It's possible?

0 6 221

Create a bot in automation and set the the task to create a file CSV and setup the your drive's folder in 'File Folder Path' field.

Hello Diogo

I mean I would like the file to be saved in a folder inside my Google drive, not default app folder, but in another one I choose

same drive of the app

Basically what @diogolupcosta is saying is no, you can't do what you want the way you want it but you could use the automation section to create a report. It will give you more control over the columns and rows of the file, since it's a report and not just "export this csv"

Hello SkrOYC

I was able to export the file with a trigger on a button, as you guided in an article in another post. I created a trigger column, and followed all the guidelines, but the CSV file is only saved with the line referring to the trigger button. I would like all records to be exported to CSV.

I've tried to edit the template but I can't do it right. 

The template looked like this:

"ID_Fechamento","ID_Comanda","Comanda","Cliente","Plano","Tempo de Permanencia","Obs","Consumo","Desconto","Tipo 

Ingresso","Valor Ingresso","N de Ingressos","Comissao_10%","Total","status","Falta Pagar","PG_Credito","PG_Debito","PG_Dinheiro","PG_PIX","PG_SODEXO","PG_VR","PG_Alelo","PG_Collact","PG_Loja_Credito","PG_Multipas","User_Email","timeStamp_abertura","timeStamp_fechamento","trigger_fechamento_comandas","Consumo_RealTime"

<<Start:SELECT(fechamento_comandas[ID_Fechamento], [ID_Fechamento]<>โ€โ€)>>

"<<[ID_Fechamento]>>","<<[ID_Comanda]>>","<<[Comanda]>>","<<[Cliente]>>","<<[Plano]>>","<<[Tempo de Permanencia]>>","<<[Obs]>>","<<[Consumo]>>","<<[Desconto]>>","<<[Tipo Ingresso]>>","<<[Valor Ingresso]>>","<<[N de Ingressos]>>","<<[Comissao_10%]>>","<<[Total]>>","<<[status]>>","<<[Falta Pagar]>>","<<[PG_Credito]>>","<<[PG_Debito]>>","<<[PG_Dinheiro]>>","<<[PG_PIX]>>","<<[PG_SODEXO]>>","<<[PG_VR]>>","<<[PG_Alelo]>>","<<[PG_Collact]>>","<<[PG_Loja_Credito]>>","<<[PG_Multipas]>>","<<[User_Email]>>","<<[timeStamp_abertura]>>","<<[timeStamp_fechamento]>>","<<[trigger_fechamento_comandas]>>","<<[Consumo_RealTime]>>"<<END>>



I put select() in an attempt to export all the data but it doesn't come out right. If I remove the SELECT line it works fine, but it only exports with a record line (the trigger line)


Does the Monitor app show you any errors?

No errors...

completed normally, but only one line was saved


with Select() on templatewith Select() on templateno Select() on templateno Select() on template

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