i want to add floating button on my main menu


need help, i want to make a floating button with export csv function on my main menu like the add button, i already make the button but it only appear in the details view, i want it outsite on the main menu

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Change the "Prominence" to "Overlay". Note that only a select few types of actions are allowed to display as overlay on collection views, csv export is one of them.


Sorry i didnt see overlay on the prominence, did it only appear when i subscribes?

Oh, sorry, they renamed that prominence recently. It's the "display as primary".

i already try that but it only appears in the details view, i need it on the main veiw

Are you sure it's a CSV export action?

yup i already try the button it works fine, the only problem i got is the positioning of the button, really need to put it on the main menu

Something doesn't add up. CSV export action by default won't display on detail views, and will display on collection views. That's why it says "not a row level action". Not sure what you're doing, can you provide some screenshots of the action config, it appearing on a detail view, and not appearing on the collection view. Or maybe try creating a new CSV export action from scratch.



here is the setting, main menu view, and the details view, thank you for helping me.

already try re create the button but its same


That is very strange. I have no idea ๐Ÿ˜ž


thanks for helping me


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