
Hi, Table view.

Is it possible to have the icon of the action in the same column if it was displayed inline. I mean, now let say i have an action in the column Name, in table view the name will not be displayed, instead the icon of the action will be. Is it possible to display it near the content of the column like in the detailed view??

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  • UX

@Ceke wrote:

Is it possible to display it near the content of the column like in the detailed view??

Yes.  I add a dedicated column to attach the Inline Action to.  I define it as type of color because I have found that results in the narrowest column size.

Example of dedicated action button columns

I only use these columns to display buttons - image below.  When you define an Inline action it will ask for the column to attach it to.  These are the columns to use.  "Button Holder", concept from another app creator @MultiTech , is used for multiple common buttons such as Edit, Delete, etc - yes you can attach more than 1 button to a column!

I hope this helps!

Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 10.43.53 AM.png

but I have to create another column next to the column that contains my text.. I was wondering if it possible like in a detailed view to have it next to the text in the same line.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Ceke wrote:

I was wondering if it possible like in a detailed view to have it next to the text in the same line.


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