make a report of items sold in range date

Hi folks, I'm new in this I need a create a list of the sold product in range date (item, quantity, total money) 
so the sheet is named as Salidas
Item column (NOMBRE)
quantity column (UNIDADES)
date column (FECHA SALIDA)
money colum (TOTAL DINERO) 

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so in the report I want to make sum money and sum quantity for each product sold in a range date 
I'm using a date range from other sheet fromDate (iniciofecha) toDate (Fecha) because I create another sheet for report income sales
the name of the sheet is named as "Cierre_Caja" 
I'd like both report stay in the same PDF 

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thank you so much I'm sorry bothering you guys 
have a great day! 


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thank you for the info ill read to see if I can get a solution 

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