mass emails

I have a slice of a parent_table that gives me everyone's email addresses. I am displaying this using a table view with their name and email listed in the view. what I would like to do is send a mass email without updating the values in the table. I have read the workflows article on "sending an email with an action button." However, this isn't meeting what I need. I need to send a mass email to all records by clicking a button. 
I thought of making a separate table called mass email table and running the Bot off of that. However, I am sure there is a better way of doing it. 

Anyone have opinions?





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In the Task that sends the email, there are "To" and "Bcc" fields.  These will take expressions to provide a list of email addresses.  Since you want to send the email to all addresses in your Slice, you simply need to insert an expression like this:

Slice Name[Email]

Obviously, replace "Slice Name" with the actual name of your Slice.


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