medines dose calculator

i need help in create medines dose calculator

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thank for replay , its very simple formula i need 

i will add medicines name list in application and each medicine have number this number will multiply by patient wight and we will get the dose 

so the user will find medicine name and fill patient wight and he get the result medicine dose

Welcome to the community!

This is easy to build with AppSheet. Please start reading the guides and you'll be able to build your app fairly quickly. Whenever you face difficulties you can always count on the help of this community. 

Start here: Get started - AppSheet Help 

ok i read course and made it , but need the formula , where can i get help


Multiplication formula? you simply use the multiplication operator "*".

[patientWeight] * [dosePerKg]

Read here: Math expressions - AppSheet Help 

I did it now and my app working well , and do all calculation , but my problem now : when the user edit like patient weight and medicine name the result will be saved , and i don't want saving result , can helping me please in removing saving option 

You can set you table to allow for Adds not Edits.

Many thanks for answering 

can you inform me how ?

can I remove save button , its just calculator so i don't want to save data

One way to do that in AppSheet is:

  1. Have a single-row table, that does not allow adds.
  2. Hide the Edit button, so users do not have access to Form views.
  3. Enable Quick Edit columns in Detail view. 

That would emulate a calculator view. 

thanks dear for reply , as I think we cant hide save ation , I  don't know if I Cant reach for this one to hide it or realy this option not available or appsheet not suitable for calculation only 

You don't have to guess, please try implementing the solution. In a Detail view with quick action columns there is no Save button


No creo que se pueda de la forma que dices Joseph_Seddik

I don't think it can be done the way you say. I have a dose calculator that works quite well but I can't use it in a detail view as you say, simply no column appears


Yo tengo una calculadora de dosis que funciona bastante bien pero no la puedo usar en una vista de detalle como dices, simplemente no me aparece niguna columna 

I leave some captures so that forexmajed does not lose heartCalculador vacio.pngcalculador lleno.png

You are wrong, you should read..

Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-07-19 aฬ€ 06.35.24.pngCapture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-07-19 aฬ€ 06.35.40.pngCapture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-07-19 aฬ€ 06.35.52.pngCapture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-07-19 aฬ€ 06.36.04.png

I know you can make a simple calculator like the one you show but if you read...


" forexmajed
Participant I
Reply posted 3 weeks ago

thank for replay , its very simple formula i need 

i will add medicines name list in application and each medicine have number this number will multiply by patient wight and we will get the dose 

so the user will find medicine name and fill patient wight and he get the result medicine dose"

forexmajed  you need at least:

1.- A table with a list of medications with their concentrations, the columns would be: [Drug ID],[Drug Name],[Concentration/ml],[Dose mg/kg]

2.-Another table with the columns: [Dose ID], [Weight Kg], [Drug ID](Ref), [Calculated Dose].

3.- The magic happens in the [Calculated Dose] column since it will contain a formula like: [Drug ID].[Dose (mg/kg)]*[_THISROW].[Weight Kg]/[Drug ID].[Concentration/ml]

4.-All the columns involved in the formula must be number or decimal type, otherwise you can always specify it in the formula

Joseph_Seddik This is the simplest and easiest way I know to calculate drug dosages in a form view. I don't doubt that it can be achieved in a detail view, in fact I would like to achieve it but as I told you I already tried and I was not successful. any idea why?




forexmajed necesitas por lo menos:

1.-  Una tabla con un listado de medicamentos con sus concentraciรณnes, las columnas serian: [ID Medicamento],[Nombre Medicamento],[Concentraciรณn/ml], [Dosis mg/kg]

2.-Otra tabla con las columnas: [ID Dosis], [Peso Kg], [ID Medicamento(Ref)], [Dosis Calculada] .

3.- La magia ocurre en la columna de [Dosis Calculada] ya que contendra una formula como: [ID Medicamento].[Dosis (mg/kg)]*[_THISROW].[Peso Kg]/[ID Medicamento].[Concentraciรณn/ml]

4.-Todas las columnas involucradas en la formula deben ser tipo numero รณ decimal, de no ser asรญ siempre puedes especificarlo en la formula 

Joseph_Seddik Esa es la forma mรกs simple y sencilla que conozco para calcular dosis de medicamentos en una vista tipo form. No dudo que se pueda lograr en una vista de detalle, de hecho me gustaria lograrlo, pero como te dije ya probรฉ y no tuve exito. alguna idea de por quรฉ? 



When you say you tried it but was not successful, what was the problem please? For example, did you get an error? wrong calculations? what problem did you have exactly? Thanks.

thank you brother , I mean still app saving changes 

I mad it by simple formula , i create column to each medicine name and  one for fixed number for each medicine ( as akey number for each medicine ) and one Colum for patient weight  and also one for dose = [Patient weight] * [mg per kg]

for finding medicines i used express with any dose pic.png

The problem is that no field appears in the detail view

El problema es que no me aparece ningun campo en la vista de detalle


Put initial values in non calculated fields, make sure calculated fields will evaluate to a result based on these initial values, use app formulas and valid if expressions in calculated fields to account for non permitted calculations like division by zero, and they should appear. 

Thanks for the answer, in the morning I managed to get all the fields to appear in the detail view, the problem was that I did not have any data in the table (I had read it but I was confusing the table with another that does have values inside โ€Œโ€Œ๐Ÿ˜… ). When I added the ID directly to the google doc that problem was solved, I even removed the edit button and tried it a bit...


The drawbacks I find are:

1.-It has to be synchronized every time a value is entered in a field, can this be changed?

2.-In my particular case I have columns that are dependent on others, an example: "Efecto deseado" is dependent on the "Fรกrmaco" and viceversa . The inconvenience is that if I have selected a "Drug" and its "Desired Effect" (As in the first image) and I change the Drug to another that does not have the same desired effects... All the calculations stop being carried out giving empty fields or with 0 as the result, the worst thing is that the "Desired effect" option disappears (I guess because of the Valid_if) so it looks:

error campo.png

To solve it I have to find the "Drug" that has the options selected

I think that to solve this problem it is necessary to add a button to clear all the fields, what do you think?

None of those drawbacks are present in the Form view



Gracias por la respuesta, en la maรฑana logrรฉ que aparecieran todos los campos en la vista de detail, el problema era que no tenรญa ningun dato en la tabla (Eso si lo habia leido pero estaba confundiendo la tabla con otra que si tiene valores dentro ๐Ÿ˜…  ). Cuando agregรฉ el ID directamente a el doc de google se resolviรณ ese problema, incluso ya quitรฉ el boton de editar y lo he probado un poco... 

Los inconvenientes que le encuentro son:

1.-Tiene que estar sincronizando cada vez que se introduce un valor a algun campo, esto se puede cambiar?

2.-En mi caso particular tengo columnas que son dependientes de otras un ejemplo : "Efecto deseado" es dependiente del "Fรกrmaco" y viceversa. El inconveniente es que si tengo seleccionado un "Fรกrmaco" y su "Efecto Deseado" (Como en la primer imagen) y cambio de Fรกrmaco a otro que no tenga los mismos efectos deseados... Todos los cรกlculos dejan de efectuarse dando campos vacios o con 0 como resultado, lo peor es que la opciรณn de "Efecto deseado" desaparece (Supongo que por el Valid_if) 

Para resolverlo tengo que encontrar el "Fรกrmaco" que tiene seleccionadas las opciones 

Creo que para resolver ese problema es necesario agregarle un boton para limpiar todos los campos, Quรฉ Opinas?

Ninguno de esos inconvenientes se presenta en la vista Form


still trying

this button i want to remove itdose pic.png 

the app calculate very nice , but this save button i dont want after calculating to be saved

Ok maybe I can help you, when you open your calculator where do you do it from? you have a menรบ or something like that? or a button from where you open it?

this from out side Screenshot 2022-07-21 182433.png

OK, convert that view to a detail view.
In the options that the detail view presents, you will find "Quick edit columns" add "Medicine" and "Patient weight"

Thank dear , still not working , in quick edit I cannot add "Medicine" 

There is no any option to hide save button ?

There is no way to hide those buttons, unless you use the detail view with quick edit columns. If your medicine column is a Ref type, you shouldn't have a problem. If you can't see anything in the view then add a row containing just the ID from your google sheets document

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