public apps


i am building a public app for school bus and there will be be many people who will login to view data 

as this is the main purpose of the app 

however after i deploy it and parents start to use it i got blocked because of limitation of users

does this mean i must pay for plan or because of some useres were logged in  appsheet with there mails count them as user for my app 


i really need help as it is very confusing even when i try to pay for a plan

0 9 112

  1. Public plan apps do not have users "log in". They are $50 per month.
  2. Secure plan apps do, they are $5/$10 per month per user.
  3. Undeployed apps can be tested on a max of 10 users without having to pay.


Thanks for your replay @Marc_Dillon 
i know this info already but my question would be if i go with the public app and some of the users i shared the app with them was signed in to appsheet himself will that effect the app or not ?

i am expecting not less than 30 to 100 user to open the app and view my data or answer my quiz and forms 

@Hosam_7afez wrote:

if i go with the public app and some of the users i shared the app with them was signed in to appsheet himself will that effect the app or not ?

Affect it how?


so after all i must subscribe to a plan in order to have it actually work as it suppose to be.

am i correct 

How is it supposed to be working, that it's not? Are you saying that you're NOT paying for it right now, but you have more than 10 users?

what i did is 

1- i build the app as prototype

2- deploy it 

nothing more than that, now i discover that after i contacted the sales team and they unblock my apps for a period of time that all of it are not working as it was and seems like all the actions are not working no data are showing as it was

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Hosam_7afez wrote:

does this mean i must pay for plan or because of some useres were logged in  appsheet with there mails count them as user for my app 


Will i have to delete my other apps .. 

or i can attach the payment to one of my apps !

Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

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