"Key field 'Row ID' is required - Error (FORM)

I've never encountered this before, nor can I find anything searching myself to resolve this. 

I'm submitting a form, and it's giving me an error stating "Key field 'Row ID' is required" upon attempting to submit it. 


The default "Row ID" column is set to the key, and has the initial value set.


If I make the Row ID column appear in the form, it does work - however when I have it hidden (by setting the Column Order in the form view) this error appears. It doesn't make much sense to me, as I do this on every other form without issues. I have been working at it for hours to no avail, it's as if it hiding the column is making the initial value not set?

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Does it work properly if you just hide that column and leave it to your form view?

Unfortunately not, still yields the same results

Try to change the column name.. the "Row ID" sounds a little bit dangerous to use.

Row ID is added by appsheet itself whenever I've created a table

What data source are you using?

I use Google Spreadsheets as mine - every table I use has the "Row ID" as their key columns

So.. you have added them by yourself to your gSheet. Does it work properly with another table where everything is set exactly with the same way?

I never realized I was the one who created them, it has been quite some time since I created the first table in this project. 

I just tried duplicating the table and matched all the settings, and it still had the same result. 

Is it possible it's because I'm opening this form via a button in a detailed view, using the action named "App: go to another view within this app"? That's the only thing I can think of 

Well, as I typed that I tried it and it does appear that's why the initial values aren't being set - it's being opened from an action. 

I'm not sure why that would cause it not to set initial values though; nor how to counteract this

It depends what your "go to another view within this app" action is doing. What kind of formula do you have there?

I currently have:
LINKTOROW([_THISROW], "Member Recommendations_Form")

I think I may need to use something like LINKTOFORM() instead

If the goal is to create a new record, yes that's true. Or.. why don't you use the normal add (+) button?

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