"System.DateTime cannot be used for a parameter of type String"

Hello. I have a table from an SQL-server with six columns where to of them are type Date both in the server and appsheet. In spite of that i still recieve this error message whenever i am trying to add a row:

"Unable to add row to table 'temp_BuyerTags'. โ†’ Value of type System.DateTime cannot be used for a parameter of type String"

I have no clue what the issue is. Anybody wiser than me? ๐Ÿ™‚

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More details are needed.

It appears to me that a defined DateTime value is being passed into some function as a parameter where a String/Text value is required. 

But we need more details to understand where and why this might be happening.   It would help to show your app, how you are adding the row and show a screenshot of the actual error message and where you are seeing it.

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