record will not be updated, but can released again

I have a sheet like this.


1. i wanna to do a app to show records  where there no name in the sheet.



2. for exmple. there are two people want to work.

 they all fill the sheet from their app.

 the fast one will win the work , and the other one will get a error message, beacuse of record is locked.

but if the one who won the work delet his name, the record will show again.


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Welcome to the community!

You can use a Slice, with a row filter condition that includes rows with an empty Name value.

Please read this:  Slices: The Essentials - AppSheet Help 

thank you.

i used a slice in the picture two.

but i do not know how to do (2).

The slice's row filter condition should be: ISBLANK([name])

I succeeded in show the name record.

but no idea for the step two that the fast one win the game and the other one get a error message.

I'm not sure I understand your comment.  It would be better to include screenshots of your slice and your existing filter condition expression. Thanks.

i set a slice like this.

and no other  filter condition expressions.

and C->D show in the app.





OK, you are doing it correctly. You link a view to this slice which will show only records with an empty Name field. Once the name is filled, the record will no longer be in the view. 

@minihairt wrote:

 the fast one will win the work , and the other one will get a error message

This would require a bot I think.
Concurrency of users is difficult on a platform that supports offline usage and no real time database.

The common solution is related to an extra table with requests that are pending confirmation, then a bot adds the record to the main table from the oldest request and you can then notify the user if their request was accepted or rejected

hi guy.

you understood what i want to do.

would you tell me how to create the bot you said?

and i thought i read your post before about the test about appsheetdatabase,

how is it going?

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