roman number - help me, how to make generated number with roman date text?

help me, how to make generated number with roman date text?

0 6 287

Please provide more information about what you want.  Are you looking for a numerical representation of a typical text date? A concrete example would be particularly helpful.

Send the dates through this converter using an automation or use the logic provided to write a conversion script and apply it to the data as needed.

I see.  If this is the format required, it's also possible to do it internally with expressions.  Here's an expression to give you the year:





=IF([Year]>=3000, "MMM",
  IF([Year]>=2000, "MM",
    IF([Year]>=1000, "M", "")
) &
IF(MOD([Year], 1000)>=900, "CM",
  IF(MOD([Year], 1000)>=500, "D",
    IF(MOD([Year], 1000)>=400, "CD",
      IF(MOD([Year], 1000)>=300, "CCC",
        IF(MOD([Year], 1000)>=200, "CC",
          IF(MOD([Year], 1000)>=100, "C", "")
) &
IF(MOD([Year], 100)>=90, "XC",
  IF(MOD([Year], 100)>=50, "L",
    IF(MOD([Year], 100)>=40, "XL",
      IF(MOD([Year], 100)>=30, "XXX",
        IF(MOD([Year], 100)>=20, "XX",
          IF(MOD([Year], 100)>=10, "X", "")
) &
IF(MOD([Year], 10)>=9, "IX",
  IF(MOD([Year], 10)>=5, "V",
    IF(MOD([Year], 10)>=4, "IV",
      IF(MOD([Year], 10)>=3, "III",
        IF(MOD([Year], 10)>=2, "II",
          IF(MOD([Year], 10)>=1, "I", "")





I got some help from ChatGPT on this. I haven't tested it.  Now I see that it's not contained in a concatenate expression as it should be.  Still, I think this should be pretty close to being a usable solution.

One more thought:  It might be a good idea to change the current collection of IF expressions to something that relies more on "IFS".

GPT is the goat dev lol. AFAIK doesn't need CONTATENATE(), as long as all the possible expressions return text the "&" operator should do its job. 

Thanks!  I see that now.  ๐Ÿ™‚

hello guys, thanks for your support.. sorry for my slow response. thank you very much... btw i had another problem about generate pdf.. i hope you can help me about that.. thank you for the support

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