saving images in order taken

I'm not even sure exactly what information to give when asking this question. I have a table PROBLEMS that has a one-to-many relationship with a table IMAGES. The image table includes a datetime column that effectively timestamps each image taken. 

AppSheet auto-generated a variable named "Related IMAGESs" in the PROBLEMS table. I noticed that the related images list was coming up in an unanticipated order. I expected (and wanted) the order to be the order in which they were taken. Instead, see below - they were taken in the order a, b, c, d.IMG_E5040BE40F8D-1.jpeg

I went and looked at the underlying table and they are saved in the table out of order as well. You can see the datetime stamp in the table screenshot.

Any advice as to how to get them to display (and save) in the order taken? I think it is because the app didn't actually save the images until after all 4 were taken and I exited out of the image taking action. 

Thanks for any guidance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-08 at 4.28.31 PM.png

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At a minimum, you could replicate the system-generated [Related IMAGESs] reverse reference virtual column and modify its App formula expression to incorporate the ORDERBY function to order the column's values by the referencing table's [IDateTime] column. Potentially, you could just modify the existing column, but I imagine that your changes might get overwritten if you ever regenerate the table's structure.

Another simpler option could be as follows. You seem to be using deck view for inline images. In that inline deck view settings you could set the sort by column as [IDateTime] with ascending order.

Below is an example where the inline Orders view is sorted by the [Order Date] ascending.




Thanks @dbaum  and @Suvrutt_Gurjar. While I had hoped to get them to save in order, Iโ€™ll work on this via the view side as you both suggest. And Iโ€™m still playing with the input to see if I can force a save after each photo.

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