the video is not showing on my phone


Il use some embed video link like :

The vidéo is playing in my backoffice or on desktop browser (emulator) but not on my phone😅



Anyone encounter this problem ?



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Hi!  What is the column type?  And, are you using any expression or is it just the URL that is in the column?

I use the "Video" Type 

Actually, I see that this has come up before:

I'm afraid I may not be able to be of much help.  I recommend that you read this thread.

Also, i have an other vidéo in my app, not a "youtube embed video" and it work well. 

I use the "Video" Type and this link :




Wow!  That's a big video.  Is the video resized to display properly on a phone?  That was an issue with vidoes like this that I noticed in the past.

@Kirk_Masden yes the video rezise is ok and is diplaying very well on phone. 

Thanks!  I'll test it out myself.  I appreciate getting a good tip like this.  🙂

¿Have you find the way to make functional the videos from YouTube in a mobile device? I have the same problem and I can't resolve.

It works good in the Appsheet App opened from a browser but never work directly when is opened from a mobile device,

Your question prompted me to take another look at this.  My conclusion is two-fold:

1. I could get YouTube to work in AppSheet on my Android device but not on my iOS device.

2. If I put an mp4 file on my server I could get it to play in all devices inside of AppSheet but the mode of play was different on iOS and Android (iOS did not play the video inside the view but "pulled it out" to play separately).

Overall conclusion:  Playing of video on AppSheet is not ready for prime time.  I use animated gifs instead.

Hi, I would love to know how you used animated gifs instead, do you have a link to a tutorial perhaps? Thank you!

Thanks for writing.  I hope I can help you get your animated gifs working.  🙂

Hi @jean-mi , try use Show type VC then chose Video in the Category and put this expression in Content

CONCATENATE("", Right([URL],11))


 this expression will convert normal YouTube url to embed url

Hope this helps 

Solution after 2 years Xp

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