Cloud build - Failed to update the host connection with the selected repositories

When we trie to setup a host connection to bitbucket data center in google cloud build. We see al the repo's connected to the user but if we try to select a repo we get this error:

"Failed to update the host connection with the selected repositories" No google documentations defines this error anywhere. Any ideas here?

Kind regards

Some additional info:

If we go to connect host in google cloud build to connect to bitbucket data center, we give in all the details. Api key username aut token from bitbucket... Authentication succeeds and we are able to see al repo's connected on bitbucket to the user with the correct admin rights.

Then we need to select a repo en we choose one from the drop down and click connect. Then is when we get the error described in the screenshot.

Failed to update the host connection with the selected repositories

Google is very minimalistic about this error. Also in their documentations on how to setup the connection to bitbucket we followed al the steps with succes until this point. There is also no documentation about possible error trying to connect.

Is this the example explained or what info are you missing?

Kind regards

error message

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Hi @laurensmartens,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!


The error message "Failed to update the host connection with the selected repositories" usually indicates that there is a problem with the connection between Cloud Build and the source code repository that you are trying to build. This could be caused by a variety of issues, including:
1. Incorrect repository URL: Make sure that you are using the correct URL for the repository that you want to build.
2. Authentication issues: If you are using a private repository, make sure that you have properly authenticated with the repository provider (e.g., by providing a valid access token or SSH key).
3. Network issues: If you are experiencing connectivity issues, it could be caused by a problem with your network or the repository provider's servers.
4. Repository provider issues: If the repository provider is experiencing issues, it could cause problems with the connection between Cloud Build and the repository.
To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Check the repository URL: Make sure that you are using the correct URL for the repository that you want to build.
2. Check your authentication: If you are using a private repository, make sure that you have properly authenticated with the repository provider (e.g., by providing a valid access token or SSH key).
3. Check your network connection: Make sure that you have a stable network connection and try again.
4. Check the repository provider's status: If the repository provider is experiencing issues, it could cause problems with the connection between Cloud Build and the repository. You can check the status of the repository provider to see if there are any known issues.
Thank you
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