OR-CBAT-15 ERROR Google cloud free trial account

Hey im new at here need some help for google cloud I cant create new account it says OR-CBAT-15 ERROR Code Please dont say me contact support cause i cant Just wanna learn what does error code says ty

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I have same ERROR Code. When i texted Support Team they said "Based on the error you received, we cannot activate your Google Cloud Platform billing account."

If anyone knows how to fix this issue [OR-CBAT-15] Please HELP US

I received this error when I created my account while connected to a VPN. Based on the other comments I think this is a general fraud prevention error that is based on what they know about your IP address, location, account, and credit card information. After leaving the VPN, I tried setting up the payment method again, and went to an identity verification window that asks for a copy of my ID. Very annoying. AWS it is.

I have the same problem

hola, buen día, lograron resolver el problema?

Sorry for inconvenience , For now, the only information we can provide is that you try again creating a new account by late February or next month as this is not just you who have this kind of error and our internal team expediting to resolved it. You are not doing anything wrong really and this is not a question to the payment method you are using. This is also not an isolated case with you. 

Thank You

i already create new account 08 feb, but still get error [OR-CBAT-15].

isolated case... 

this is a joke?

Just tried with 3 differents credit cards and every time I get the same error 😕
Unfortunately we don't have a month to deploy our application.
Hope AWS is on 😅

I already create new account 14 April, but still get error [OR-CBAT-15].

Today is 8th April and I'm still getting this error

I think its still a problem and its already July 27

Hi It's May 2023 and unfortunately the problem has not been resolved. Most student here use the account to learn why can't we access a customer service even though it is for this kind of issue only. I am truly disappointed in google at the moment. It has been more than 6 months now but the problem has still not been fixed. You guys make it hard for anyone trying to get into any cloud related field honestly. 

the whole new google account or billing account?

It is 2024 March 1 now , here some attempt i made since 2022

  • i use my workspace account still getting same error
  • i tried to fill the tax information still getting the error 
  • Tried to use same Wifi information as my phone that i used to open my bank account still getting same error.
  • tried to create new  bank account still getting same error.
  • tried to use old bank account still getting same error
  • already waited 1 month before i try each attemp still getting same error
  • I already have this issue for 25 months 
  • Already created workspace account and still got error.
  • Already verify my domain on google identity still get the error
  • trying to hack google still get the error (joke)

Me toooooo!

It is 2024 March 4 now 

this action couldn't be completed. try again later. OR-CBAT-15 Why didn't you solve the problem? in 2024

It's 9th April 2024, still get error [OR-CBAT-15].

Hi, 2 years later and I am also having the same issue, I have been trying for 3 days, using different cards but nothing works, I get also the same error. it becomes a loop because nothing can get done without the payment, and no support is provided by Google without a paying account. can someone help??

Guys, I was able to solve the issue but honestly I have no idea what worked: I cleaned the history, tried different cards, used safari and chrome, tried in my phone, ipad and computer, made sure pop-up notifications are allowed, tried in different days, and finally one day it worked! and I saw the pop-up from the bank request and the email code that is send per email as a security measure. So dont give up! I am sure it will work for you too! I get the impression that the issue comes with any other payment form that is not USA based or credit card, so hang in there, dont give up! 🙂

Hello @sp2007 . I'm creating my account and setting up the billing info on May 8th and still have the same error.

Estou com o mesmo problema hoje em 2024, tentei criar uma conta no começo do ano e uma agora em maio e não e possivel por esse mesmo codigo de erro.

I know how to solve it, and just make an account on aws it works, google is rubbish

fr their services have become a pain in the arse. Even some of their products are rubbish, and I got rid of those. I hope I will find some better alt and soon get rid of this too


How is that done please 

Olá. o que seria essa conta no AWS?



how could you plz help us..


I had the same problem here, today.

Can't you offer a temporary solution? we have suffered

Very disappointed

Based on the similar issues faced by other customer the error OR-CBAT-15 ERROR Code means that it caused by the payment method. However, if you want to investigate it for your case its recommended to contact the Billing Support. The Billing team can help you escalating the issue.

Thank You

billing support  chat rufuses because i am not a billing admin. but i cannot be such because of OR-CBAT-15. it's a deadloop.

same here

give up receiving google support, I've tried, without success, look for another cloud service

desistam de receber suport google, ja tentei, sem sucesso, procurem outro serviço em nuvem

Moving my startup to AWS. Tried to add a billing account for 1 week already and it doesn't work.

Geez, no solution until today.

Getting the same error, and irony is that 1$ has been deducted from my account and still getting the same issue.

This action couldn’t be completed. Try again later. [OR-CBAT-15]

Nothing changed. The error still occurs. Phone number and card does not affect.

Hello all, we have inquired internally about this issue on February 11th and we're waiting to hear back from the billing team. In the meantime, we have created this public issue tracker thread, where updates from the internal investigation will be posted.

There is no ETA at the moment, however we invite you to follow up on this link[1] for future updates regarding this issue. You may additionally press on ‘*’ to bring more visibility to the issue and CC yourself to receive emails whenever there are any new updates.





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