Our journey to getting the Professional Cloud Architect Certification!!

Hi i'm RobloxHero!                                                                             

About me: 

I have mostly done a lot of development on the platforms but have never really taken any legit courses. I have several projects going on, and seem to have little resistance in programming or creating a solution. I have experience in AWS and Google Cloud. I can pretty much do anything that I read the documentation for eventually... I'm planning to take the test in 7 - 14 days!! The thing is, I really haven't received any formal training. Everything, that I have learned has been me testing and learning led by Jesus while Googling and building actual projects. Honestly, I didn't even think I could get a Job doing development work, until I was motivated to apply. Once I applied, I realized I could do the work. It really only took about 2 years before someone offered $70 per hour for a full stack javascript engineer position at a gaming company. I never really thought about getting a certification. Until Now!!

So here's the plan. I'm not gonna take the learning path even though we purchased the Innovator's Plus subscription. I'm gonna totally wing it, by taking as many labs as I can since they seem to have less connection to theorizing working for fictitious companies that I honestly wouldn't even apply for. Seriously, we really do have to have some kind of honest desire to work for a good company to even learn. Much less make money!! I'm gonna fill the gap by asking questions, creating a study guide, and looking for the actual Google Pro videos on youtube that aren't 4 - 5 minutes long. You know what I'm talking about, the real stuff, the stuff that makes your eyes glaze over and start to fall asleep if you aren't prepared to use the information anyway! 

I'll post daily on the progress and list the steps I took for that day. I look forward to creating some real relationships with some real Googlers.


Topic Labels Denied: Jesus, Introduction, Roblox, Unity, Collaboration, Javascript


I tried to get started on some things I haven't touched before. I have used AWS Cloud Formation, but never really touched Terraform before. These labs aren't very long. Building the .tf file seems very similar when creating cloud formation .yaml templates. The only thing I noticed is, I seemed to bog down on creating a custom provider in the Go language. I haven't used this before so the function definitions and some of the decorators are foreign to me. 

The * and & in this function layout is completely new and i'm highly compelled to drop everything and attempt to learn the entire Go language. But I'm not sure if it's required for the Certification. Also, the map[string]* is another thing I'm fighting the urge to Google.


func main() {
                ProviderFunc: func() terraform.ResourceProvider {
                        return Provider()

func resourceServer() *schema.Resource {
        return &schema.Resource{
                Create: resourceServerCreate,
                Read:   resourceServerRead,
                Update: resourceServerUpdate,
                Delete: resourceServerDelete,
                Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
                        "address": &schema.Schema{
                                Type:     schema.TypeString,
                                Required: true,


Maybe one of you can explain to me some real world examples of using a custom provider to help understand the use case  in Terraform.

I still haven't made the study guide. Apparently I'm waiting until day 2 to make an official study guide identifying my skill gaps. Tomorrow, I'll post the study guide considering I find one that goes in detail by resource. If anyone has created one already, please link it in here. 

Also, please take a look at my other post. If you have any videos that are relevant to this certification, please link them in that post. I believe that will be you giving back to the community for eons.


I created a Study Group that runs twice per day to see if there is anyone out there in the world who would like to cram information with me. If you are interested check my post located below.

Join the Coolest Study Groups Ever!!!


Got an update for all you Googlers and Googler certifees and aspiring certifees!! Day one of the max 14 day Cram Session for taking the Professional Cloud Architect Certification. Got the study group going and even implemented some graphic design and video productions skills. 

  • Created the best Study Group ever on Google Meet. ---> Study Group Link
  • Created events on Google Calendar with Google Meet for the study group.
  • Installed the NDI-OBS extension to stream legit video to Google Meet during the study group. OBS-NDI --> obs-ndi Github, NDI Tools ---> NDI Tools Website, and OBS Studio ---> OBS Studio Website
  • Created a lower third video overlay for OBS Studio to display group topics and suggestions with Adobe Illustrator.
  • Found the Google Official Study Guide for taking the Professional Cloud Architect Certification.
  • Planned on the next study group topics.

After cramming for a few day and only having 3 days left to cram for the Certification, i'm going to pivot and change the certification test to align with skill I currently have. For the most part I was scoring 50% on average on the 2 practice tests. I would only take 20 questions of the practice test at a time. I only tested 3 times and studied hands on, the remainder of the time. The gaps I indicated needing more cram time were, the Big Data Technologies. BigQuery, Data Proc, Big Table are resources that seem to be easily learnable hands on. But, to be creative with the technologies, i'm going to have to stand a real world personal project up with the Big Data Technologies that actually that does something, to really learn anything. Because of this, we are going to do what real Googlers do and pivot to grab a certification with in the 3 days left. 

So the Certification i'll be taking is.... 

Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Developer
