Rekindling The Flame by Splitting my hand on Cloud Platforms but eventually Doubling Down on GCP!

  • I started off wanting to learn GCP.
  • But then discovered the depth of educational resources and documentation for Azure seemed infinitely more vast than it was for GCP, so much learning materials in video and literature it may be on par with AWS?
  • So I started in with Azure.
  • But then I found some potential clientele that were already tied in with some SaaS that I felt would better implement with services on GCP.
  • And although it may be a slightly rougher to find sufficient learning material for -- that should only make it's mastery more valuable in the end.  And even if they may be behind at the moment, I've always liked Google stuff and believe they'll pull a trick from they're sleeve by the time I can comfortably maneuver it's corridors, making for some good timing for this learning track!
  • So now I'm back here, getting involved with GCP and Workspaces just to  see what I can pull.

And when looking upon recommended learning tracks, I chose Professional Solutions Architect thinking that broad comprehension of general possibilities would be a good place to start for someone that has no real needed outcome or specific outcome to aim for.  Except of course AI/ML Modeling and/or Data Science but I think that's too trendy for me to dive in to being as bad at math as I am.  If I was a proficient math aficionado of some sort I would definitely like to proceed down that branch; but alas, a math prodigy I am not.

So here I am. And with Slack being stupid with their public facing channels...I'm here thinking how it's no IRC or real-time chat at all, but perhaps this oldschool BBforum style could still be a useful resource at some point in the near future.

 maybe IRC ChanServ bot would make for a good project to pursue! Having it idle in whatever channel to host it, seeing that from what I know at the moment a full blown IRC Server with any moderate amount of users would be too expensive! Right?🤔