Suggesting changes to post listing in Home

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I spend nearly all of my time in the Home page, in the hopes it gives me the broadest exposure to community posts. A typical post is displayed like this in the listing:


I would prefer changes to the bottom line:

  • Remove the participant level ("Participant III" in the above). I don't consider it at all, though I understand some users may. I propose it isn't enough of a factor to be exposed here. It's still available by hovering over the poster's name.
  • Indicate whether the list entry is describing a new topic or a reply to an existing topic. The reader could infer it by noting the occurrence of the "Latest post" link, or by checking the icons to the right of the post. Making this explicit makes for faster scanning by power users.
  • Identify the community member responsible for the post responsible for the listing, rather than who opened the topic. This allows the reader to notice posts by recognized community experts.

My suggested formats:

  • {who} posted {when} in {where}
  • {who} replied {when} in {where}

When clicking on the topic title, my preference would be to taken to the first post in the topic I have not yet visited: if a new topic, i'm taken to the original post; if a topic I've visited before, to the first post added after I last visited the topic.

9 2 134

"Indicate whether the list entry is describing a new topic or a reply to an existing topic." 👍


I highly recommend this, I can't distinguish between a new and an old post, especially in Announcement Section



@Steve wrote:

I spend nearly all of my time in the Home page, in the hopes it gives me the broadest exposure to community posts. A typical post is displayed like this in the listing:


I would prefer changes to the bottom line:

  • Remove the participant level ("Participant III" in the above). I don't consider it at all, though I understand some users may. I propose it isn't enough of a factor to be exposed here. It's still available by hovering over the poster's name.
  • Indicate whether the list entry is describing a new topic or a reply to an existing topic. The reader could infer it by noting the occurrence of the "Latest post" link, or by checking the icons to the right of the post. Making this explicit makes for faster scanning by power users.
  • Identify the community member responsible for the post responsible for the listing, rather than who opened the topic. This allows the reader to notice posts by recognized community experts.

My suggested formats:

  • {who} posted {when} in {where}
  • {who} replied {when} in {where}

When clicking on the topic title, my preference would be to taken to the first post in the topic I have not yet visited: if a new topic, i'm taken to the original post; if a topic I've visited before, to the first post added after I last visited the topic.

The navigation here is a bit difficult. On the home page, I noticed I had to scroll down to load more and then enter some topics. Once you've read that topic, pressing the back button in the browser takes you to the home screen rather than the place where you entered the topic. Consequently, I keep pressing the load more load more button over and over again. If I have not checked community post for a week I have to come in go back load more.. load more.. moree.. moree.. then go check the post again and do that at least 4-5 times to reach where I left off. It's unmanageable.

Community feedback navigation