Resources exceeded during query execution - how to debug

we have layers of nested views, that I do not have control over as they are developed by other teams. Clients policy is not persist any data unless it is absolutely must. 

 I read somewhere that Big Query calculates "complexity" using multiple factors ( number of views, table UDF, nested views, number of columns )  and throw this error when the complexity number exceeds certain value. 

I removed all CTE's and changed them to sub queries, reduces some columns, and running out of options. 

At this point I am trying to find out how to find the BQ complexity number for my query,  is there a quota that governess that number.  any help is apriciated

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I faced similar issue and here's what I did to triage and was successful with it - hopefully this gives some pointers and helps you with it.

  • Check if you have self joins, this creates a problem in estimate phase on bq
  • isolate each view / join by commenting out sections of it and run the query until you don't get the error. this way you can find the culprit query.
  • try denormalising multiple tables into one so that you can avoid join in linked views - but this means you will have to persists it which is against your client policy. I think it is worth a try if it helps resolve the issue.
  • try materialized views too, same as my above point, this may be against your client policy. 

Thank you.  I have solved the problem multiple times as you suggested by removing joins when possible,  but we are now reaching the limit what can be done. 

 I would prefer not to do trial and error, and like to get confirmation on how this complexity is calculated and if there is a way to see that complexity number.