AlloyDB Postgres extension

Hello.  Maybe someone knows how to solve this issue. In log explorer every 5min I get this error

"google_insights_v2:storage/speckle/postgres/extensions/google_insights_v2/ Google Insights v2 extension is either not installed or not able to query since 305 seconds."

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The error message you're seeing indicates an issue with the Google Insights v2 extension within your AlloyDB for PostgreSQL instance. Here's a breakdown of what it means:

  • "google_insights_v2:storage/speckle/postgres/extensions/google_insights_v2/" This part pinpoints the exact source of the error. It's occurring within the code of the Google Insights v2 extension itself.
  • "Google Insights v2 extension is either not installed or not able to query since 305 seconds." The core message highlights two potential causes:
    1. Missing Installation: The Google Insights v2 extension might not be installed correctly on your AlloyDB instance.
    2. Query Timeout: The extension is installed, but it's unable to complete its data gathering queries within the expected timeframe (305 seconds in this case).

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Verify Installation:

    • Connect to your AlloyDB instance using a PostgreSQL client (e.g., psql).
    • Execute the following query: SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions;
    • Look for "google_insights_v2" in the list of extensions. If it's missing, you need to install it.
  2. Check Extension Configuration:

    • If the extension is installed, inspect its configuration. There might be parameters that need adjustment based on your database workload and size.
  3. Address Potential Causes of Query Timeouts:

    • Network Connectivity: Is there any network issue between your AlloyDB instance and the Google services that the extension interacts with?
    • Resource Constraints: Does your AlloyDB instance have sufficient CPU and memory resources to handle the extension's queries? You may need to increase your instance size.
    • Data Volume and Complexity: If your database is very large or has complex queries, the extension might struggle to complete its work within the timeout period. Consider optimizing your database or exploring ways to offload some of the processing done by the extension.

How to Install the Extension (if necessary):

Refer to the official AlloyDB documentation for the most up-to-date instructions. Here's a general outline:

  1. Connect to your AlloyDB instance.
  2. Use the CREATE EXTENSION command: CREATE EXTENSION google_insights_v2;

Where to Get More Help:

  • AlloyDB Documentation: Search for "Google Insights v2 extension" in the official documentation for detailed instructions and troubleshooting. (
  • Google Cloud Support: If you have a support contract, reach out to Google Cloud Support for assistance.

thanks for answer. 

I've tried installing extension and got next error:
ERROR: Could not open extension control file: "/.../share/extension/google_insights_v2.control": No such file or directory SQL state: XX00

per documentation it is absent in available extensions:

could you help me to resolve it?

Also I checked my 2nd AlloyDB instance in other GCP project , and there same issue started but on following day.
It looks like Google deployed some issue with newly updated DB version.

You might want to open a support ticket with Google Cloud Support, providing the following information:

  • The exact error messages you're seeing.
  • Timestamps of when the issue began in each instance.
  • Any recent updates to AlloyDB you've noticed.
  • Confirmation that other monitoring solutions you've tested are working as expected.

Thanks ms4446. I've create ticket in Google Issue Tracker.