Integration of Data Catalog with Postgres database on Cloud SQL

I am trying to use Data Catalog with Postgres DB hosted on Cloud SQL. 
I have created a Postgres database and also created a table which has data. Now I am trying to use Data Catalog and apply Tags. But I am not getting any direct connectivity to Cloud SQL. Can someone please help me on this?

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Full Data Catalog integration with CloudSQL is on roadmap and scheduled to be released in the second half of this year. In the interim, it is possible to use Data Catalog with Cloud SQL through a workaround by using Data Catalog's custom entries.

Here's a general approach you could take:

  1. Use open source connectors for MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL to interact with Cloud SQL tables.

  2. You can then use one of the supported programming languages (Python, Java, Node.js, C#, Go, Ruby, PHP) to programmatically loop through all the tables from your Cloud SQL database and create tags dynamically in the Data Catalog.

  3. You can schedule this process to run periodically to ensure that your Data Catalog entries are kept up to date with the actual state of your Cloud SQL database​.

Please refer to the following links:

Please Note: This process may require some development effort, but it will allow you to use Data Catalog with Cloud SQL until native support is potentially added in the future.

Hi there, 

Kindly ask the ETA of full Data Catalog integration with CloudSQL.


@ms4446 - I was wondering if there is any update on the release of integration with cloudsql postgresql?  You mentioned the second half of the year.  Thanks!  Jay

@ms4446 Also wondering the same thing when this will be released. Thanks! The open source connectors are now no longer supported/archived for postgresql.

All database connectors can be found here