Records from the Firebase database collection are being automatically deleted at random intervals.

I created Firebase database with free plan and created collection "store-items". I am not sure the reason but the few records are automatically deleted from this collection regularly. I even created functionality that create logs on add/update/delete operation in this collection but it's not showing any logs even when record removed automatically. 

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There are several reasons why you might see data deletion:

  • Security Rules: Incorrectly configured Firebase security rules might inadvertently allow unauthorized deletion of records. It's crucial to ensure that your rules do not permit broader write or delete access than intended.
  • Third-Party Integrations: External scripts, services, or apps interacting with your Firebase project could be responsible for data deletions. Authorization issues or bugs in these integrations might lead to unintended data loss.
  • Code Errors: Unintended deletes could be the result of bugs in your application code. Background operations, cleanup functions, or unexpected triggers might be deleting data without your knowledge.
  • Misuse or Unauthorized Access: Ensure that all users and service accounts with access to your Firebase project have appropriate permissions. An account with excessive permissions might be misused or compromised, leading to data deletion.

Here are several steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue:

  1. Thorough Review of Security Rules:

    • Navigate to the "Rules" tab in your Firebase console for Firestore or Realtime Database.
    • Examine the rules for any conditions that might unintentionally allow data deletion. Ensure your rules strictly match your intended data access patterns.
  2. Audit Third-Party Access:

    • Review the permissions and activities of any external scripts, libraries, or services with access to your Firebase project.
    • Consider disabling these integrations temporarily to determine if the deletions stop.
  3. Code Inspection:

    • Review your application code for any operations that modify data in the "store-items" collection. Pay special attention to functions that handle data deletion.
    • Implement detailed logging at every point where data is written, updated, or deleted. This can help identify unexpected deletions.
  4. Check for Unauthorized Access:

    • Review the list of users and service accounts in your Firebase and Google Cloud Platform consoles. Ensure that only trusted individuals have access, and that their permissions are appropriate for their role.
    • Utilize Google Cloud's audit logs for Firestore to monitor for unauthorized or unexpected access patterns.
  5. Firebase Support and Community:

    • If the issue persists and you're unable to identify the cause, consider reaching out to Firebase support for assistance.
    • The Firebase community forums can also be a valuable resource for advice and troubleshooting tips from other developers.

Additional Considerations:

  • Recent Changes: Reflect on any recent changes to your project, including updates to security rules, code deployments, or integrations. Reverting recent changes one at a time can help identify the cause.
  • Documentation and Best Practices: Review the Firebase documentation for best practices on securing your database and managing data. Ensuring your implementation aligns with recommended practices can prevent many common issues.

Please Note:

  • Firebase does not automatically delete data to enforce free plan limits or due to heavy usage. Data deletion is more likely due to configuration issues, unauthorized access, or bugs in your application code.
  • Firestore does not have built-in settings for automatic data expiration. Any document expiration behavior must be implemented through application logic or Cloud Functions.