Cloud Source Control Setup for Limited Permissions on Master Branch

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for some advice on setting up cloud source control with limited permissions specifically for the master branch, aimed at junior developers. We want to ensure that junior developers have enough access to contribute effectively but also maintain a level of control on the master branch to prevent accidental or unauthorized changes.

Key considerations:

  1. Cloud Platform: Which cloud platform (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) offers the best tools and features for controlling permissions at a granular level?
  2. Permission Structure: What specific permissions should be granted to junior developers for branches other than master, and how can we restrict their access to master?
  3. Code Review Workflow: How can we integrate a robust code review process that ensures changes to the master branch are thoroughly reviewed before merging?
  4. Training and Onboarding: Any suggestions for training materials or onboarding processes to educate junior developers on best practices for version control and branch management?
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