Google Cloud Platform - programmatically create user account via API

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


From Python Django based application, I need to support for creating user account in Google Cloud platform and authenticating Google Cloud Platform user.

Is there any GCP API available to programmatically create user account and authenticate?

Can we create GCP user account and authenticate using IAM api's or do we need to use any other GCP APIs. 

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User account means gmail account , workspace account you want to create or you want to give access to existing account or want to create service account ?

Google Cloud Platform doesn't concern itself with the creation and management of user accounts (Google Accounts).  Rather, that is handled by Cloud Identity.  My high level understanding is that comes in two editions ... free and premium.  When you configure Cloud Identity, you associate it with a domain name (eg.  Once configured, you can then create user instances (eg.  You can do this manually, via CSV import, via sync with another identity provider or via API (I believe here is the API).  Once you have created the user identities, THEN you can give those identities Google Cloud roles through IAM.  This too has an API associated with it.   I don't believe we authenticate through IAM ... rather IAM provides the authorization vehicle.  It validates that an attempt to access a Cloud Resource is permitted to perform that task.  Authentication is performed through Cloud Identity.  Once you are authenticated, subsequent requests carry credentials with them and IAM authorises those credentials.