AppSheet Office Hours: App Lifecycle Management

Published on ‎06-27-2022 12:06 PM by Community Manager | Updated on ‎06-27-2022 12:08 PM

As app creators, it’s important to consider the entire lifecycle of an application to ensure continuous app performance, security, and value. However, app lifecycle management can seem daunting for even the most experienced app creators. 

Join us for AppSheet Office Hours on August 4th, where our experts will share best practices and recommendations for managing your apps from idea to impact, including:

  • The key stages of app lifecycle management
  • Managing end users and app collaborators
  • Managing app versions and upgrades
  • …and more!

As always, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions (even if they’re not directly related to the session topic) and receive answers live from AppSheet experts. Pro tip: the best way to get your questions answered is by adding them in advance to the comments section below!

With this series of AppSheet Office Hours, it’s our goal to provide a trusted space where you can receive support and guidance along your app creation journey. We hope to see you there!

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Thu, Aug 4, 2022 11:00 AM PDT
Thu, Aug 4, 2022 12:00 PM PDT
Silver 1
Silver 1

Question : When will we be able to reuse App Components ?

@Lauren_vdv @cschalk_ws @Rich_E

The App Lifecycle includes Maintenance according to the evolution of a business process. A business request may be to add to an App some functionality that already exists in another App. Currently this must be done manually using the App Editor and this is tedious and error prone. It would be a great improvement to be able to define a Component (its tables, views, actions etc.) in the App Editor so that it can be imported into another App.


@lamontfr  you are in the wrong app for that. That is where Google AppScripts comes in. This is Google's low-code platform based on JavaScript.

However, most of the time new software designers (including myself) believe what needs to be another app is actually just a need for another VIEW in the same app with filter-based controls on what individual users can see and do.

I can serve 100 users the same AppSheet app and none of them ever see the same thing using expressions and creating roles/groups  in my back-end spreadsheet.  I can also create 100 different features in the same app and provide access to features based on user roles/group membership.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1







English: Hi guys, im thinking in develop one map in Google MyMaps for forecast of weather in a very specifically part of the world, NW of Mexico and SW of USA, focused in the main cities of Sinaloa, Sonora and Baja California Mexico and Arizona, Nevada and California USA and i think take data of past years in the same locations to do the forecast. If you have an idea will be received. The images depict the actuallity of the project.

Spanish: Hola chicos pienso hacer un mapa para hacer el pronostico del tiempo en un parte muy especifica del mundo, el noroeste de Mexico y Suroeste de USA, especificamente las ciudades de Sinaloa, Sonora, Baja California en Mexico y Arizona, Nevada y California en USA, el caso es que tomare datos de años pasados y los usare para pronosticar la temperatura y que automaticamente salgan reflejados los datos en MyMaps. Si tienen alguna idea se los agradecere. Esto es lo que llevo construido.

Es una app para uso interno en la empresa?
Planeas lanzarla para todo público sin que deban logearse y no monetizarla?

Si no es ninguno de los casos, AppSheet no es la plataforma ideal para eso

Pues es un proyecto escolar, si se puede darle acceso a la gente esta bien, no pensamos pedir que se loggeen, el servicio appSheet tiene costo? la idea en creat todo en opensource. Saludos

De donde es el nuevo persona acceso de comenze?

Who's the new access person?

Jason M Sanders
SoFlo Media Connections

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and any files transmitted are
confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to
which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please
let us know by email reply and delete it from your system.

Que? No entiendo...

Que pasa?

AppSheet no es opensource

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Marca en la columna de la tabla "Hijo" que hace referencia a la tabla "Padre" la casilla que dice Is part of?

Creo que en tu caso, la tabla Padre sería Compras y la tabla hijo Movimientos.


Esto es cómo si hicieras un constraint en la base de datos y al eliminar el padre, se eliminan los hijos.

Si no son padre e hijo, entonces tendrías que hacerlo un bot con una tarea webhook que llame a la API de AppSheet.

No sé si sea lo que buscas. Espero te sirva.


Miguel Sánchez



Bronze 3
Bronze 3

buenas tardes, una consulta, tengo la siguiente situación, 2 tablas: compras y movimientos. como puedo hacer para que cuando elimine desde el apartado compras también se elimine el mismo registro en movimientos?

Hola que tal?

Estudie como utilizar boots automáticos.

1° Su tabla secundaria debe tener alguna referencia directa qie la conecta
con la tabla principal.

Si borras un id que está relacionado con la tabla secundarias, debéis
activar un boot que deleta la misma linea [_THISROW] que contenga el mismo
ID referenciado.

Todavía no soy muy experto. Pero estamos estudiando mucho para poder
ofrecer mejor sopotes por aqui.

Cordial saludo.
Silver 1
Silver 1

Yes it is.  Drill down into field definition and you will find a formula button for a Show_If  formula:


You can get the same thing on the table column view by expanding the table view by clicking on the device top right of the table:




Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert




at clicking there, you will have the possibility to add an expression instead of using the tickboxes.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Is it possible to automatically hide and show certain columns when certain conditions are met?


Yes it is. If you use the "show if" expressions or create a certain slice
of the data table you want to show under certain conditions.

Hope that helps
Bronze 3
Bronze 3

We need the ability to add new users to the apps using their phone numbers and an sms sent as for verification method. Is this possible by any means right now?

1. Build a form where the user adds their phone number and clicks "Save";

2. Build an automation that uses Twilio or any texting app that offers text authentication via API, Zapier, Make, etc.;

3. Also have that automation receive that text code and write it into a cell in your backend data source (i.e. Sheets, MySql);

4. Also have that automation take the user to a new form where they enter that code;

5. Use an expression to only show the next screen (the entry point into the app) if the code they enter matches the related cell in the database;

6. END!

Gold 4
Gold 4

One of the major headaches the app creators are facing is how to safely "update" the app definition while the app is in use by the app users.   There is no perfect solutions available unfortunately due to the appsheet architectures where the app is copied to the user devices and it is possible there would be a gap between the latest version and users local versions which make the app un-use.

"Pause app" features could be useful, assuming the app user will not be able to access to the app while the app owner is updateing the app definition. However, this feature is not actually usable because of few reasons.

1.  The app is not accessible even from app editor emulator.

     This is not makinng sense... The app owner is also blocked to view the app from preview window.....  This must be corrected.


2.  The app is still accessible by the app users while the option is turned on.

      When this pause app option is eanbled, the app users still able to access to the app. And they can edit the data as well.  However, the sycn is blocked. This causes massive disruptions. Whenever the app is paused, the app creators will update the app, resulting the app versions are incremented.  The users update data from the app is pending while the option is on.   The sync is pending for a while. Once the app owner turns option OFF, then users will be able to start to push the pending sync data, but again resuliting in errors, due to mismatch of the app versions. The only available remedy is to reset the app (remove the pending data changes), which the average users do not know how to do it and why they need to do it, and they are upset by losing the works.

All in all, I hope this pausing app feature could be enhansed further, such as making local app (on user devices) are completely un-use by aggressively pushing from server to local devices upon turning on this pause app option etc.   Once the option is turned off, then push another instruction aggressively from server to local devices to update the local app version and continuously. We need such type of mechnism to safely update the app without dispurptions.

Sorry this is not a request, but kinda of feature request, thank you.
