AppSheet Office Hours: Create and use AI-powered apps using natural language with Duet AI

Published on ‎10-26-2023 11:58 AM by Community Manager

Duet AI, an AI-powered collaborator in AppSheet, lets you create intelligent apps and workflows into Google Workspace by describing your idea using natural language. With no coding required, you can build apps by describing your needs in a chat guided by AI-powered prompts.

Join AppSheet Office Hours on December 6th to learn:

  • What's possible with Duet AI in AppSheet, including practical use cases
  • How to create an app using natural language with Duet AI, including demo walkthroughs
  • How to customize and manage your app
  • How to easily enter form data using spoken natural language with Duet AI for app users

As always, you’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers live.

Register Today

Please complete this form to register for the event. Once registered, you'll receive a calendar invite via email. Even if you can't make it live, register and we'll send you a link to the recording. 

Thank you - we hope to see you there!

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Wed, Dec 6, 2023 10:00 AM PST
Wed, Dec 6, 2023 11:00 AM PST
Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Thank you!
I got very useful information.

Great to hear - thanks for tuning in @AppliSuite ! let us know if you still have any questions. 

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


Bronze 1
Bronze 1

want to print report directy to the printer lable or sticker ? what do I do ? Use code

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

hello, why appears this error when I adding a table?. thanks
Error 403: Something went wrong and your changes couldn't be saved. Please try reloading the page or contacting support.

@garinf how are you?  What kind of table?  Is it an excel file or Google sheet?  Are there any special characters in the naming of the file you're trying to turn into a table?  So many things can be at play here, can you give in more clues?

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

I am looking forward to this.  Smart Assistant doesn't work right now and I'm hoping Duet AI will work and also give us some much needed capability.

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Looking forward to watching!