AppSheet Office Hours: Discover new AppSheet databases and No-Code Chat Apps

Published on ‎10-14-2022 10:42 AM by Community Manager | Updated on ‎10-14-2022 10:43 AM

Join us for AppSheet Office Hours on November 3rd at 11AM PT to dive deeper into new platform enhancements that help improve both the app creator and end user experience - AppSheet databases and no-code Chat Apps.

AppSheet databases are the new first party, native datasource for organizing and managing data powering AppSheet apps. Our experts will demonstrate how to generate an app using AppSheet databases and explain how this new feature helps solve challenges around data formatting, making changes after initial app creation, scalability, sync speeds, and more. 

Additionally, with AppSheet No-Code Chat Apps, app creators can ​​add chatbot functionality to their apps so that any AppSheet app can be published as a Chat App to a customer’s Workspace Internal Marketplace with a single click and are available for free internal distribution in their organization.

Lastly, we’ll show you a template that was built by the team in the spirit of real use cases. We’d like to give you a flavor of the depth that can be achieved using AppSheet.  

Save your spot by selecting the "Yes" button on the right, and ask your questions in advance by posting a comment below. 

We hope to see you there!

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Community Manager
Community Manager


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Thu, Nov 3, 2022 11:00 AM PDT
Thu, Nov 3, 2022 12:00 PM PDT
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Any chance of getting CSS control over the UI?

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Would it be possible to convert exiting Excel tables to Appsheet database?

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

waiting for this...very critical

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

How can we import data from another database?

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Is there any way tutorials/links or is it possible to make the salesforce as the database of the Appsheet? 


Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Google Chat defintley needs some sprooking up to be any bit of competitive against Slack and MS Teams.

What areas or items specifically need to be sprooked? To be helpful, recommendations need to be specific with possible solutions.

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Will the database become a single point of truth that updates throughtout all the apps that you use that table in? So you specify this is a enum column, with these values, that is required. Rather than manually having to update/create every time you use the same table in multiple apps? If yes then would every app auto regenerate when a change to the column structure is made or again would you manually have to regenerate every app that uses that table

Exactly.... yes. I agree that Database is very important and to be single
of truth thing ...

so its need to be robust and user friendly...


Joko SP
Hello I did not know we had a meeting. Right now I am sick with covid.Pleas
just Let me know what time works for us both. I can not do the 7 of NOV.

Please have a good day
Silver 5
Silver 5
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

nice info

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

It's very good for me

Gold 4
Gold 4

Please use this opportunity to address questions about partition functionality:

  • Does partitioning work for a table from an AppSheet Database? Other cloud databases?
  • Can a single AppSheet table be partitioned across a spreadsheet data source and an AppSheet Database or other database data source? Could this be a technique to facilitate gradual transition of an app to AppSheet Database--e.g., existing users' data remains in spreadsheet while new users' data begins in AppSheet Database.
Gold 4
Gold 4

Please address the following points with regard to AppSheet databases:

  • General availability timeline
  • Planned features and constraints that differ by subscription plan
  • Performance comparison to spreadsheet data sources and other database data sources