How to add image from my location in the dashboard

How to add image from my location in the dashboard

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You can follow the steps in this Discourse article to use an image as a dimension.

Alternatively, you can use plain html on a dashboard text tile to render an image, e.g:
<img src="" width="100" height="100"/>

Note that you need to have the image hosted somewhere outside Looker, e.g. AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

We use LookML Dashboards so that we can define standardized elements / layouts / filters once, and extend those “base” dashboards to different models (see more here Who uses LookML dashboards?).

I’d love to have system logos or other dynamic images these dashboards. Currently we’re implementing the approach @brecht linked to, where we have a “system details” explore that contains each system name, time zone, etc., and one of the attributes available there is the system logo.

What’s not ideal about this approach is that we have to use the “table” dashboard element type, which includes a header above the image (see screenshot below). I’ve tried the single_value type, but instead of rendering the image, that displays the text of the URL. I’ve looked at the visualization options for the “table” visualization type, and from what I can tell, you can modify the header text but not remove it.


I’ve come across this description of using markdown to embed images, but it doesn’t seem like you can use liquid, and you can’t reference a Looker dimension from within your Markdown, so I think that approach is out if you want a different image (dynamically) on different dashboards.

Any ideas?

Hey @TimothyBurke,

You’re correct that the table visualization type isn’t going to work here, because there’s no way to get rid of the headers. The markdown approach is also out if you need this to be dynamic, because as you mentioned there isn’t a way to use liquid or reference dimensions in Markdown.

I would say the single-value visualization seems like the way to go. I was able to make a single value viz without any extra text as a UDD; I imagine you could then “Copy Dashboard LookML” and add that to the LookML dashboard. Here are my examples:

- dashboard: pokemonremoteimg
  title: PokemonRemoteImg
  layout: newspaper
  - name: TestRemoteImageLook
    title: TestRemoteImageLook
    model: 24349_image_schedule
    explore: test
    type: single_value
    - test.image
    - test.image
    limit: 500
    column_limit: 50
    query_timezone: America/Los_Angeles
    custom_color_enabled: false
    custom_color: forestgreen
    show_single_value_title: false
    show_comparison: false
    comparison_type: value
    comparison_reverse_colors: false
    show_comparison_label: true
    stacking: ''
    show_value_labels: false
    label_density: 25
    legend_position: center
    x_axis_gridlines: false
    y_axis_gridlines: true
    show_view_names: true
    limit_displayed_rows: false
    y_axis_combined: true
    show_y_axis_labels: true
    show_y_axis_ticks: true
    y_axis_tick_density: default
    y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
    show_x_axis_label: true
    show_x_axis_ticks: true
    x_axis_scale: auto
    y_axis_scale_mode: linear
    ordering: none
    show_null_labels: false
    show_totals_labels: false
    show_silhouette: false
    totals_color: "#808080"
    series_types: {}
    title_hidden: true
    row: 0
    col: 0
    width: 24
    height: 8

Let me know if this does the trick or if I’m missing something about the dashboard elements you’re using here.

Thanks a lot @sam8 - I must have been including some mixed parameters, listing out some that were relevant to tables while trying to switch to the single_value type, and that’s why it was displaying the text of the URL instead of the image itself.

When I created a new single value visualization from scratch and selected this dimension, it worked! Looks great!

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