"Conversions count for one event" bug?

Hi everyone!

I'm using data studio to visualize report from GA4. I have connected and import conversions from GA4 but i got some conversion with the name "Conversions count for one event"


It suppose to be "Conversions count for [event_name]", not "one event". My coworker also import the same source from GA4 but don't have this issue. Is that a bug or i did something wrong?

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Same problem here 😞

Also tried to disconnect/reconnect the data source with no luck.

Same issue. It is only conversion count for 'Any event' is not showing any data. Getting Error ID: 7494e13c. Let me know if you were able to rectify this issue.

Is anyone still having this issue? Still not working for me. 

Same problem here. Unfortunately, there is another bug. If you use the conversation count in Looker Studio, this will break your table. I raised a question last Wed. But no one from Google replied to me. 

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