How to ensure that the field marked as Label, and on left wide of a view is displayed in full

We have the issue where the field that we have selected to be the ‘Label’, and is the field displayed on the left side of table view - is not displayed in full when over a certain number of characters or there is an icon next to the value.

  • I notice, that when viewing Mobile size in the app editor, it actually displays more text than will display on a PC browser.

  • I think, that in the PC browser version, it should be made to display more text than mobile - or at very least, the same amount.

I think that by selecting a field as the “Label”, in Table style views, should ideally force the app to always display the value in full. That way users have a way to force or not force this.

If icons are added by formatting rules, then it will take up some of the space. I think ideally, make it so that 1 icon can display next to the Label text value, without anything being cut-off. If more than 1 icon, then OK to cutoff.

I made a video of me testing and playing around with what is explained above.


Thanks guys!

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