Please update feature to enable or disable selection box

Hi Team,  cc @ShirleyN @Arthur_Rallu  @karls @PeterD @lizlynch 

AppSheet has a checkbox that allows users to select multiple rows, making it easy for them to take actions on several items simultaneously. In certain situations, the creator may want to disable this checkbox for a table or establish rules for specific users. However, AppSheet does not currently support enabling or disabling this feature, nor does it provide a check option for this action.

Checkbox very useful for user to quick select multiple rowsCheckbox very useful for user to quick select multiple rowsBut it cause some trouble to set permission or can not disable this action for some specify viewBut it cause some trouble to set permission or can not disable this action for some specify view

Please consider and update this feature asap.


Hien Nguyen

Status Under Review
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I make the slice for reducing data, but the filter button displays a lot of unnecessary information.

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