Guys, stop posting feature ideas. Appsheet doesn't see them, doesn't reply them.

Just check how many ideas have been posted:


But this is nothing, when you see the planned, or under review, they are features that have been available for a long time. It means that they don't even check or update this page. If you have hope they will see your idea, THEY WON'T!

Appsheet is focused on database or any other minor improvement. We want a more innovative platform but they are delivering very conservative changes

And the saddest part of it all is to see the users here saying: Appsheet is not meant to do that, if you want something better migrate to another no code platform. To those who advocate for Appsheet: "Hey! Wake up! you're a user just like everyone here, if a feature is not important to you, it might be to someone else"

It is a shame, a pitty that Appsheet just got stuck, it is an amazing tool, but I don't know if this is a revenue issue with the Appsheet department inside Google. But it feels that the message they are conveying is:
"This is Appsheet, it is what it is. Don't expect great changes"



Silver 5
Silver 5


I'm going to take a look to see what it's about. I've been learning Flutter, and yes, I'm familiar with Flutter Flow. It's a graphical interface, but Flutter itself is good too. It's a bit more complex but more flexible.

Before definitively switching to Flutter, I've decided to tie up loose ends. I'm completing my Appsheet applications that were left unfinished because I don't like leaving things half done. At the same time, I'll explore Bubble; it seems interesting, I've never heard of it before. Actually, Flutter allows for recursive calculations, which is practically impossible in AppSheet. Is it possible to do recursion in Bubble?

Regards, Thank

Silver 2
Silver 2

@Gustavo_Eduardo I'm not sure of what RECURSION means. However, I can definetely tell you that Bubble is maybe, if not, the most powerful and capable no/low code tool currently. The best thing is that it has its own database, not needing to connect it via API. 

The thing with Apphseet is that it is so easy to learn and use that it makes us lazy, you know? The learnin-curve is so short, that others seem to be difficult to learn. There's a Brazilian no code called JESTOR, it is really easy, and cheap, because you don't pay per user, you only pay per editor (creator).

I've bought 2 Bubble courses on Udemy, but I never really stuck with learning it. I WILL!!! Plus it is great for SAS, you can create apps for various services, such as, car rent, babershops, delivery, etc. 

Silver 5
Silver 5


If there's one thing you're right about, it's that AppSheet is very easy to learn and it's a hassle to learn other technologies. However, it becomes limiting because users hit a creation limit, propose ideas, and then those ideas develop too slowly or maybe never, which leads to thinking about (either learning another difficult but free technology or self-limiting with AppSheet that shows no sign of evolution). Anyway, I'm learning Flutter. Although I was just looking at Bubble and it seems great, my goal is to code, and nowadays AI helps when we get stuck.

Let me share my own experience. I come from the architecture world, I'm not a programmer, and everything that seemed daunting in architecture was because behind it there was difficulty and behind difficulties, great opportunities.

That's how I learned AppSheet and abandoned Excel. It was tough at first but it was only two weeks.

I'm closing cycles. I've created a construction progress control app with AppSheet that works perfectly but I won't do anything else with AppSheet unless it's requested. I've concluded my phase here, I'm migrating to other platforms that allow for greater deployment.

Regarding the recursion that AppSheet doesn't handle well, it's that internal code that repeats itself several times over, for example, an infinite loop that searches in the same table until it gets a result. In AppSheet, that creates a problem; for those cases, you work with behavioral actions and two different cloned tables with two different IDs for a real record and a cloned one. It's a lot of creative workaround; not to mention the resource consumption.

Anyway, thanks for writing and sharing your perspective.