Suggested Updates

  1. Lack of support for scanning multiple barcodes into a single field within a form: AppSheet currently does not have a native feature to scan multiple barcodes into a single field in a form submission. This limitation required us to create separate fields (Barcode1, Barcode2, etc.) to accommodate multiple barcode scans.

  2. No quick way to create or modify a large number of similar columns in AppSheet: The AppSheet interface doesn't provide an efficient method to create or modify a large number of similar columns (e.g., Barcode1, Barcode2, etc.) at once. This necessitated manual creation and modification of each column, both in the data source and the AppSheet editor.

  3. No simple method to apply Show_if conditions to multiple columns at once: AppSheet does not provide a feature to apply Show_if conditions to multiple columns simultaneously, leading to manual input of conditions for each column.

  4. Difficulty in retaining context (Serial Number) when navigating between views: Encountered issues with retaining the context of a specific Serial Number while navigating between views using actions and deep links.

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