Use of other than WGS84 coordinates

For the app i’m creating I need coordinates in a different format than WGS84. Please make more formats available, this would really help me out.
Its the final step in completing my app.


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Silver 5
Silver 5

In which format you need your lat/long value?

New Member

For me in The Netherlands, i would like EPSG:28992 (RDnew)
more info

But I would assume more other formats my be wishful for others.

Silver 5
Silver 5

Though AppSheet does not offer a GPS system other than WGS 84 right at the moment, as far as my research it’s quite doable with webhook scripting.

New Member

That would be far beyond my experience and knowhow. any read on the matter? or tips?

Silver 5
Silver 5

I will try to sort out something in my sample app for you but frankly I have never tried this before so I cannot promise for a success though I’m an expert at scripting. Will ping you under this post when I complete and test it. Let me investigate it a bit from the web page you have forwarded.

New Member

perhaps linked to this post/request but somewhat easier in my opinion:

The use of other background data instead of Google maps, or as an addition, the use of Web Map Service’s?

var map =‘map’).setView([52, 5.3], 7);

var leefbaro = L.tileLayer.wms(“”, {

  • layers: ‘schaalafhankelijke_leefbaarheidskaart’,*
  • format:‘image/png’,*
  • transparent: true*


Maybe this is something to get the use of the map to the next level?
Maps are my line of work, and I would love to make more apps geo-related.

Kind regards,
Edwin Pleijsier

Bronze 5
Bronze 5


Maybe this you be helpfull to solve your problem :

This google script seems really higly customizable.

Im sure with some little modifications its possible to add a new projection plus a “select projection” parameter

Appsheet rely only with google Maps wich is only WGS84:4326

The support of other map service will be a real big plus even the Google Cloud Maps Platform will be a big win [ i hope for uMap OSM but ArcGisMapServer will be a dream]

I ran some test to make an “AppsheetGIS” [PostGIS and Google Spreadsheet script for .dbf in/out etc…] its workable but the lack of an "Shapefile or GEOJson support doesn’t make it fully GIS complaint.


Silver 1
Silver 1

Here’s a conversion from Lat,Long (WGS84) to NZTM (New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000), if anyone needs it.


One caveate is that the formula doesn’t take into account movement of the land over time, which NZTM is meant to. The official website where I got the formulae from doesn’t have this aspect on it. I’ll update if I ever hear back from them about it. The error shouldn’t be more than a metre though, which is inside the error of standard GPS anyway.

Silver 1
Silver 1

I came across a really easy API for coordinate conversion. It simply returns results as a JSON from a simple http request. e.g.
I’ve written some code in App Script to run this as a web app. See here for mor info:

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