When using tabs for a form, allow a save button (as well as a next)


Something like the above

  • If you've got a lot of pages in a form, and there's nothing that's preventing you from saving on page 2 of 5, it would be nice if you could save on that page.

Cheers; and as always, thanks for considering! rightparrot (appsheet).gif

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Bronze 4
Bronze 4

Yes, please!

I just removed tabbed pages from a form because the users didn't like clicking "Next" or on the last tab to save.

Bronze 4
Bronze 4
I am using show_if to show save button, when I don't need to enter certain information
Bronze 3
Bronze 3

@Marco_Antonio_N , can you explain what you mean?  I don't see any reference to the save button at all in the app editor.  How do you set its `show_if` configuration?