iFrame UX?

I would really LOVE an iFrame view to display external links directly in the app (and not have the internal browser take over the whole screen).

Any thoughts on implementing this? It would solve a lot of problems for me.

Status Planned
65 50 5,280
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Hi, some news about it?? We're very interested in this feature.

Status changed to: Planned
Community Manager
Community Manager

This has been partially implemented and in the hopper for consideration for Q1 2023, though we can't commit to availability dates! 

Gold 4
Gold 4

@Roderick wrote:

This has been partially implemented and in the hopper for consideration for Q1 2023, though we can't commit to availability dates! 



What do you mean by "this was partially implemented" ? 

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

iFrame could be one of the most important features missing in the Appsheet.

For example; I need to display  charts for my stock trading app through an external link or javascript widget  

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Hi everyone!

I would love to have this iframe view.

In our organization we have an Appsheet app to control the concrete advance in construction site, and in parallel we are developing an app that run in the browser, thaht is a 3d viewer of the project. We want to integrate it in the Appsheet app mentioned, and it feet’s perfectly with the new iframe view feature.

@Roderick can you give us some advance of this topic?

Best regards.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Hey! We need access to this too...
Could we please get onto the beta trial for this feature. And/or could we please get confirmation whether this made it into 2023Q1

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

To be honest, @Roderick it's a deal breaker. We have our own custom & very rich platform that we need to embed bits and bobs from, within appsheet. 

We also need to embed products like sendbird chat.

We might have to move off appsheets if we can't get this functionality 😞

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

iFrame will be a great feature. This is the reason i'm looking for other platforms with iFrame support to integrate my other apps. But the game changer will be if appsheet will release iFrame with postMessage communication support. To trigger actions in appsheet from iFrame apps. That will be an absolute game changer.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Also waiting for this feature. I would like to open sheet as Iframe to input measurement results. We use the app for managing calibrations of measuring equipment , and for each control there is a large number of results. I didn’t find any other way that is comfortable enough… 

Bronze 2
Bronze 2


For when is it planned ? 

Best regards,

Baptiste Declerck

Bronze 3
Bronze 3


Anyone here that can tell us more about when this feature is going to be released? Maybe a specific year. This year, next year, 2025 etc.

Bronze 4
Bronze 4

Also waiting for this awesome feature. Hoping to get an update @Arthur_Rallu @Roderick 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@rob_coronel Let me see if I can find out where this is on our roadmap! I know how important this feature would be for a number of our app creators. 

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Remember that time 3 years ago they said it was coming soon?😂

Silver 3
Silver 3

Hi, is staff working on this?