Custom constraints name error


Is there a way to find out what is tha validation rule that the custom constraints name is following. We are trying to use hyphen or underscore in the name but it doesn't work. Does the name takes any special character

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Hello @rachit_gupta008,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

As stated in the Set up custom constraint document:

In the Display name box, enter a human-friendly name for the constraint. This field has a maximum length of 200 characters.

See also Creating and managing organization policies

Hi @Willbin ,

As mentioned in the doc  Set up custom constraint  ,   CONSTRAINT_NAME field should be of the form, is there a way to add a special character to name so as to segregate multiple constraints with same name for ex custom.name_1, custom.name_2. From what I have seen, it doesn't allow hyphen or underscore.

So is it confirmed that the name shouldn't have any special character since it isn't mentioned in the doc?