Api Call REST Endpoint to a Bigquery Table

I'm looking for a simple example or tutorial on writing data from a Call REST Endpoint to a Bigquery table. The endpoint task is working correctly, but I'm not certain how to configure the BQ connector and table when the endpoint contains lists in a few properties.  I have a data mapping task between the other 2 but how is this configured?


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Hi Ruben 
If the response from rest caller task is a list and you want to map it to Bigquery table - 

you could use a parent integration with foreach loop task to loop through the response from rest caller task and subintegration to map that response to BigQuery connectorInputPayload

Parent integrationParent integrationSub integrationSub integration


You can use a data transformer task in the subintegration to map the desired fields to connectorInputPayload object (script may vary based on the response schema from rest task)

local restResponse = std.extVar("restResponse");
          DryRun: restResponse.dryRun,
          Query: restResponse.query,
          Region: restResponse.region