Switch between two measures defined in two different views


I would like to give the users of my dashboard the opportunity to switch between two different measures that are defined in two different files.

Let’s say I have the following views and measure definition

view 1 : order_details

view: order_details {
measure: total_orders {
description: "The total number of orders."
type: count
sql: ${TABLE}.order_id ;;

view 2 : sales_details

view: sales_details {
measure: total_sales {
description: "The total amount of sales."
type: sum
sql: ${TABLE}.sale_amount ;;

They are joined in a Explore like so

explore: order_details{

join: sales_details {
type: left_outer
sql_on: ${order_details.order_id} = ${sales_details.order_id}

Is there way to use a parameter and liquid to switch between the total_orders and total_sales ? I am stuck here because I am not sure where to define this dynamic measure.

parameter: measure_type{
type: unquoted
allowed_value: {
label: "Total Sales"
value: "total_sales"
allowed_value: {
label: "Total Order"
value: "total_orders"

Thank you ! 

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