Get ready for your new Looker Community home: What to expect and FAQs

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Looker Community! 

As shared in previous announcements, your Looker Community will have a new home as part of the Google Cloud Community, beginning May 22, 2023.

This transition will mean longer-term engagement and sustainability of this Community, including more content and events to build skills and share best practices, including our getting started with Looker event on June 8th and our Connected Sheets event on June 22nd. We hope you can join us! 

In this post, we’ll outline frequently asked questions (and answers) about your new Looker Community home and provide answers to help make the transition as seamless as possible. 

If you have a question that isn’t addressed below, feel free to leave a comment below and we’d be happy to help provide an answer.

When will the new Community site be live?

The new Community site will be live on May 22nd, 2023. Please note that there will be a brief migration period beginning the evening of May 19th, when the legacy site (where you are now) will be set to read-only.  Beginning on May 22nd, when you go to the legacy site link (, you’ll be redirected to the new site and able to participate as normal.


How do I log into the new site?

You’ll log into the new Community site using the same email address associated with your existing Looker Community account.

From there, you’ll be directed through the process to claim your migrated account and verify your email address. You can refer to this post for details, under the section “Instructions if you have a legacy community account.” 

If you already have a Google Cloud Community account, but the email associated with that account is different from your Looker Community account, then you will need to contact the Community team at for assistance. 


What about my current profile and badges?

User profiles will be migrated with the exception of badges. The new Community has its own badges, which will reward and celebrate you for your contributions and engagement, but you’ll notice they’re slightly different from your existing badges. Your new badges will be applied after you log into the new Community.

Please note that when you first log in, you may receive a series of notifications regarding the badges you’ve earned, which are awarded to you based on previous community activity (e.g. authored posts, likes received, etc.). You’ll have the opportunity to continue earning badges and climbing up the ranks based on your activity on the new Community site - and stay tuned for new and different badges coming soon! ?

What will happen to my posts on the old site?

We’re migrating posts and archiving them depending on their relevance and quality. We want to make sure that all great content is still available, but also encourage you to start new conversations.

What will happen to my existing email subscriptions?

Email subscriptions will not be migrated to the new Community. After you log in, you can choose your new subscriptions to entire categories (e.g. News & Announcements), by specific labels, or even individual threads. More info on managing your subscriptions and notifications can be seen here.

Will my bookmarks for the old site still work?

Any old links will redirect to the new Community site, so all your bookmarks should still work.

What will happen to the leaderboards?

Your community contributions (posts, likes given and received, and solutions) will be migrated and carried forward into the Google Cloud Community ranking system.

The new Community has two primary leaderboards: Top Liked Posters and Top Solution Authors.

Will the Looker team participate in the new Community?

Yes! With this change, there will be greater investment from the Looker team and the Google Cloud Community team, including engaging in the forums, hosting new events, and more.

What do I do if I have troubleshooting questions?

If you can’t find an answer to your question in one of the above FAQs, please leave a comment below and someone from the Looker or Community team will be happy to help. You can also reach out directly to the Community team at

As we make this transition, we’ll continue to seek your feedback to improve the Community experience and help you achieve your goals with Looker. 

Thanks everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all on the new site soon!

The Google Cloud Community team

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