Google Cloud Community Contest: The Ultimate Google Cloud Next’21 Playlist

Learn. Engage. Solve.  As we’re sure you’ve heard, Google Cloud Next is almost here! Taking place from October 12–14, 2021, Google Cloud Next ‘21 has been re-imagined as a global digital experience. Already excited about the keynotes from industry leaders and learning opportunities that await? Get started by creating your very own Google Cloud Next ‘21 Playlist — your very own schedule of Next’21 content that you can share with family, friends, and industry peers. 


Since the Google Cloud Community is all about sharing knowledge and best practices, we’d like to challenge you to put together the ultimate Next’21 playlist to share with the community.  And — to make things even more exciting — we’ll let the Community decide which playlists are the best. The top entries with the highest amount of Likes are selected as the winners, who win Google-branded picnic blankets, and Southland backpacks - in addition to bragging rights. 


What are the best webinars and podcasts for DevOPs engineers? What’s the most relevant content for IT managers? The ultimate CIO Track? Workspace sessions not to miss? Explore the Next’21 Catalog here and get started building out your ultimate playlist. 

Here are the detailed instructions:

  1. Read the full contest rules here.
  2. Register for a Community account (if you don’t have one) and post your entry between September 20th, 2021 and October 8th, 2021. Make sure to use a good entry title, description, and playlist screenshot to draw attention to your post.
  3. Optional: Show your appreciation for other contest participants, by regularly checking the contest submissions and Liking your favorites.
  4. On October 8th, the contest closes, and the winners are selected, based on Like count.
  5. The winners are announced and contacted.

So, get ready to create your playlist and submit your entry!

Are you going to participate? Let us know below.


  1. CTO/CIO 
  2. Workspace
  3. Data Analytics
  4. Developer




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Hi, @oxana_mauch 

I found this exciting challenge bit late but it sounds really interesting... Thanks for this



Hi @SANITAK2021, thanks for your entry!

Hi @oxana_mauch

This is an amazing contest by Google Cloud Next '2021 to showcase our playlist to the community members. Looking forward to submitting my entry soon.

Thank you!

Hi @AbhixB, I am glad you like the contest. Thank you for submitting an entry!