Release notes: February 16, 2021


Deployment Time: 2:01 PM PST

Features & Enhancements

Item Description
Make the Delta Sync Option Work Once Again.

The Delta Sync option is currently failing to work due to a regression. It has now been made to work once again. Deployed to 100% of free users.

Feature When creating a group process action, The Add button would not be visible if there were no available processes. Now, the Add button is always visible. Deployed to all.

Bug Fixes

Item Description
Bug A bug was fixed where copying a bot would prompt the user with bot suggestions. Deployed to all.

Rollout changes

Item Rollout status
Migration of workflow actions to automation tasks. Increase from 80% to 100% of customers. There should be no material impact on the app behavior.
Blocking enforcement based on the on/off control in Workspace. Increase from 30% to 100% of free users.
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