Error message when I try to run a playbook

Hi community, I'm having this error message when I try to run a playbook after I setup a custom trigger to use 2 different values in the Alert.Name property, like in the picture below. Anybody had the same issue? I'm using the custom trigger wrong? Thanks for your help!

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I also experienced this. Instead of understanding the issue on a deeper level I just duplicated my playbook, having two playbooks with the same steps but just changing the custom trigger.
Looking at your specific case it seems like you should be able to change the check to be *_ Starts With โ€œCambio en usuariosโ€ rather than = Equals โ€Cambio en usuariosโ€ and โ€œCambio en usuarios VIPโ€

Thanks @JoshShomo for your feedback! I'll try to use the "*_Starts With" option that you mention it or duplicate the playbook instead.