Is it possible to use Arrays.contains with two variables?

In the documentation it seems that the arrays.contains function can be used like the following, 

arrays.contains($asset_id_list, "id_1234")

Is it possible to use the function with two variables so I can compare the list with a value in a UDM field?

The following code snippet shows a possible use case for this scenario:


rule Example_rule_for_arrays {

    author = "amalone"
    description = "Look for a spike in failed logins for a User account followed by a successful login from an IP address associated with a fail"
    severity = "Low"

    $fail.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN" 
    $fail.security_result.summary = /Failed/ nocase
    $ = $user
    $success.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"
    $success.security_result.summary = /Success/ nocase
    $ = $user

    $fail.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds <= $success.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds
     $user over 2d

    $Total_Fails = count($ // count of total failed logins

    $Failed_login_IPs_Count = count_distinct($fail.principal.ip) // Number of IPs with a failed login to the User
    $Failed_login_IPs_List = array_distinct($fail.principal.ip) // Unique list of IPs with a failed login for the user

    $Success_login_IPs_Count = count_distinct($success.principal.ip) // Number of IPs with a Successful login to the User
    $Success_login_IPs_List = array_distinct($success.principal.ip) // Unique list of IPs with a Successful login for the user
      // Look for at least 30 fails over 2 days from more than 3 IP addresses.
      // QUESTION: Is there a way to say "The value of $success.principal.ip exists inside of $Failed_login_IPs_List"
      //    note: I don't want to match off of the IP as well as that will cut down on the number of failed login logs
      // Want to do something like arrays.contains($Failed_login_IPs_List, $success.principal.ip) in the condition
    $fail and $success and $Failed_login_IPs_Count > 3 and $Total_Fails > 30 



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Hi @amalone341,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Yes, it is possible to use the `arrays.contains` function with two variables in the way you described. Here is how you can do it:
  arrays.contains($Failed_login_IPs_List, $success.principal.ip) and
  $fail and $success and $Failed_login_IPs_Count > 3 and $Total_Fails > 30 ​

This will check if the value of `$success.principal.ip` exists in the list `$Failed_login_IPs_List`, and the rest of the condition will be evaluated only if this is true.
Note that the `arrays.contains` function returns a boolean value (either `true` or `false`), so you can use it directly in a condition like this.

Hey Christian,

Thanks for the response! 

When I put that snippet of code into the rule it says there is an error on the $success part of $success.principal.ip. The error is as follows:

parsing: error with token: "success"
expected )
line: 41 
column: 44-51 

Commenting out the following line will result in a rule that runs properly.

arrays.contains($Failed_login_IPs_List, $success.principal.ip) and