List Cases by filter API endpoint

Hi all, I'm trying to make use of the "List Cases by filter" API endpoint ( ) for searching cases in a specific time period (e.g. last 24h). It's easy to filter based on the Title and so on, but I'm not able to filter with startTime/endTime or timeOffset. Anybody has a hint for me, how to specify the corresponding values exactly?

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@Michael_Schepp I went through the same struggle. I found the time format is startTime: 2022-02-03T00:00:00.000Z , and I had to include timeRangeFilter: 0 in the request payload

so a sample payload for 24 hours of cases would be
{'startTime': '2022-02-02T01:05:38.055Z', 'endTime': '2022-02-03T01:05:38.055Z', 'timeRangeFilter': 0}

thank you very much @JoshShomo This worked out well, besides the fact, that the parameter 'timeRangeFilter' is nowhere mentioed in the API...

@Tomtomfridman is there anywhere an more actual version of the API documentation than which is still based only on v5.5.3 ?

@JoshShomo Do you also know a way to filter for caseIds with //api/external/v1/search/CaseSearchEverything ?
This doesn't seem to work either and //api/external/v1/search/CaseSearchEverythingByIds unfortunately returns wrong results

yeah if youโ€™re using //api/external/v1/search/CaseSearchEverything try
{"title": "Caseids:34534,34533"}

Also if youโ€™re curious for how Siemplify actually uses the API, from the Search tab you can open up the network tab in your browser debug tools. I use firefox, so I just right click, inspect, switch to the network tool. Anyways, whenever you change search parameters like tags, environments, time, under the hood it makes a call to //api/external/v1/search/CaseSearchEverything . I took a lot of inspiration from their api usage here

And when I say โ€œSearch tabโ€, i mean the https://[yoursiemplifyhost]/#/main/search

Hi @Michael_Schepp
There is no additional documentation at this point, but you can find the API that is available at version linked to your server by looking here:
https:// insert your server address here /swagger

Thanks @JoshShomo and @Tomtomfridman !