<http://Webhook.site|Webhook.site> integration

Does anyone have the webhook.site integration up and working? I'd like to try to use it to integrate with the "Ask a Question" buttons in the Slack integration, but there isn't very much documentation on the webhook.site integration.

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What do you need bro

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I have used it alot

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@Cyrus_Robinson Ive just simplified and tested this flow with during one of our POCs.
attaching the "simple" version. only thing you need to do is to enter the Slack API in the integration config, and specify the user in the playbook as in the attached screenshot.
(Im assuming you are using the custom slack integration from the chronicle use case)

View files in slack

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(One of my use cases is exactly that - Slack buttons)

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I have used it alot

@Jenya Shvetsov , basically, I have no clue where to start with this integration, and my Google-Fu is failing me. I've got the Slack integration configured and currently working by sending a message and waiting for a reply, but the reply currently has to be a written response. I'd like to be able to have a simple yes or no question/(working) buttons at least. I can send a question with the Slack "Ask a Question" action, but those buttons don't actually do anything and can't be configured to do anything on their own. So I'm trying to use the webhooks.site integration for that purpose. So starting at the beginning:

@Jenya Shvetsov , just touching base to see if you had a chance to look at this. ^

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@Cyrus_Robinson Happy to help!

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Check out the Chronicle use cases we added to the marketplace.
The package adds a block called something like โ€œCommunicationโ€ which uses Slack and Webhook integrations in a flow that sends messages with multiple buttons and gets back users response

@Jenya Shvetsov , basically, I have no clue where to start with this integration, and my Google-Fu is failing me. I've got the Slack integration configured and currently working by sending a message and waiting for a reply, but the reply currently has to be a written response. I'd like to be able to have a simple yes or no question/(working) buttons at least. I can send a question with the Slack "Ask a Question" action, but those buttons don't actually do anything and can't be configured to do anything on their own. So I'm trying to use the webhooks.site integration for that purpose. So starting at the beginning:

I've installed both the "Chronicle Enrichment and Investigation" Use Case, but I can't configure all of the apps because I don't have them all. Also, I don't actually the playbook that it installed doesn't appear to be in my playbooks anywhere that I can see.

Same for the SCC Use Case playbook. Is this potentially because of our Siemplify version being incompatible with the playbooks?

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What ver are you running?

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If you are having trouble with that Iโ€™ll just send in the Block as Zip

Jenya, we are cloud-hosted If you could send me the block as a Zip that would be very helpful!

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@Cyrus_Robinson Ive just simplified and tested this flow with during one of our POCs.
attaching the "simple" version. only thing you need to do is to enter the Slack API in the integration config, and specify the user in the playbook as in the attached screenshot.
(Im assuming you are using the custom slack integration from the chronicle use case)

View files in slack

Thank you, @Yoni Budovsky and @Jenya Shvetsov !

@Jenya Shvetsov , basically, I have no clue where to start with this integration, and my Google-Fu is failing me. I've got the Slack integration configured and currently working by sending a message and waiting for a reply, but the reply currently has to be a written response. I'd like to be able to have a simple yes or no question/(working) buttons at least. I can send a question with the Slack "Ask a Question" action, but those buttons don't actually do anything and can't be configured to do anything on their own. So I'm trying to use the webhooks.site integration for that purpose. So starting at the beginning: