Create elegant "in app" reports using Google Apps Script

Overview of The Tip

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  1. Describes the approach to create less frequency reports such as daily/weekly/monthly reports.
  2. Users can view the report in the app only, eliminating the need to browse emails or open attachments therein. The app need not send the reports in email with attachment.
  3. Uses Google Slides as template. Advantage: Better formatting of visually appealing, elegant reports for viewing in the app.
  4. The  reports incorporate the charts created in the Google sheets. Advantage: Better looking charts with more charting options than natively available in AppSheet.


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 A Google Apps Script(GAS) runs as a data change bot and executes the following steps

  1. Read the AppSheet record
  2. Populates the Google Slides template with values read from the AppSheet record
  3. Copies and populates the Google Slides template with the latest updated Google Sheets charts. The charts are based on various tables in the app.
  4. Creates PNG files from the updated Google slides and stores in the G drive folder within the app folder. These PNG images are then shown as reports in the app record in show type/image category columns.
  5. The GAS deletes the slides filled  with data so that the template is ready for the next iteration of the report creation

The Reports Image in detail view from the App

A GIF of the report in the app

report GIF.gif


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Part -1


Part 2



A Sample Slide of the  Google Slides Template


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This slide template gets populated with the AppSheet record data. The sample report is displayed as 4 images in the app and so the template has 4 slides ( one for each image) 






The GAS Code

GAS1 To Update the Google slide template with values from AppSheet record and insert charts from the Google sheet into the template

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  function reportImagesFill(date, sales, orders, highestProduct, topOrderID,toporderCustomer, toporderValue, toporderStatus, averageorderValue, achievedTarget, loewstProduct) {
  // Google Slides template ID
  let templateID = "Template_ID";

  //Get the Google sheet ID where the charts to be used in the report are created

  const chartsheetID = "ChartsSheet_ID";

  // Open the presentation and get the slides in it.
  let deck = SlidesApp.openById(templateID);
  let slides = deck.getSlides();

  //Open the spreadsheet that contains charts
  // The name of the sheet containing the charts is" Report_Charts"
   const chartsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(chartsheetID).getSheetByName("Report_Charts");

  // Retrive the Orders chart and products chart
     const ordersChart = chartsSheet.getCharts()[0];
     const productsChart = chartsSheet.getCharts()[1];

  // Assign the 1st slide is the template that will be duplicated as fifth slide in the deck
   let masterSlide = slides[0];
  // Assign the 2nd slide is the template that will be duplicated as 6th slide in teh deck
   let masterSlide2 = slides[1];

  // Assign the 3rd slide is the template that will be duplicated as the 7th slide in the deck
   let masterSlide3 = slides[2];
  // Assihn the 4th slide is the template that will be duplicated as the 8th slide in the deck
   let masterSlide4 = slides[3];
  //Duplicate the 4 new assigned slides

    let slide5 = masterSlide.duplicate();
    let slide6 = masterSlide2.duplicate();
    let slide7 = masterSlide3.duplicate();
    let slide8 = masterSlide4.duplicate();

  // Populate data in the slide that was created
    slide5.replaceAllText("{{Date}}", date);
    slide5.replaceAllText("{{Sales}}", sales);
    slide5.replaceAllText("{{Orders}}", orders);
    slide5.replaceAllText("{{High_Prod}}", highestProduct);
    slide5.replaceAllText("{{Low_Prod}}", loewstProduct);

  // Populate data in the slide that was created
    slide6.replaceAllText("{{Highest_Product}}", highestProduct);
    slide6.replaceAllText("{{Order_ID}}", topOrderID);
    slide6.replaceAllText("{{Customer}}", toporderCustomer);
    slide6.replaceAllText("{{Order_Value}}", toporderValue);
    slide6.replaceAllText("{{Order_Status}}", toporderStatus);
    slide6.replaceAllText("{{Ave_Val}}", averageorderValue);
    slide6.replaceAllText("{{Target}}", achievedTarget);

  //Insrt the Order chart as an image

  //Insert the Products chart

GAS 2 to convert the Google slides into PNG images and store the images in the G drive in a folder under the app's root folder. This allows the images to be easily accessed in the app.
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function slidtoPNGLatest(dateFormatted) {
  // Export slides as PNG images
 // Designate the folder ID you want to put the exported PNG files.
    const folderId = "Folder_ID"; 
  // Retrieve all slides from the source Google Slides.
  // const slide = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();

  // Get Google Slides template ID
    let slideDeckID = "Template_ID";

  // Open the presentation and get the slides in it.
    let deckLatest = SlidesApp.openById(slideDeckID);
    const id = deckLatest.getId();
    var someSlides=deckLatest.getSlides();

    var srcSlides= deckLatest.getSlides();
  // Export each page as a PNG file.
    const folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
    srcSlides.forEach((s, i) => {
      var theDate = dateFormatted;
      const url = Slides.Presentations.Pages.getThumbnail(id, s.getObjectId(), {"thumbnailProperties.mimeType": "PNG"}).contentUrl;
      const blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getAs(MimeType.PNG);
      folder.createFile(blob.setName(`page_${(theDate + "-")+(i + 1)}.png`));

    // Delete the slides that have been convrted to the PNG images

    var theDate = dateFormatted;

    //Delete the PNG files that are not required. These are the PNG files of template variables slides
     DriveApp.getFilesByName("page_"+ theDate+"-1.png").next().setTrashed(true);
     DriveApp.getFilesByName("page_"+ theDate+"-3.png").next().setTrashed(true);
     DriveApp.getFilesByName("page_"+ theDate+"-5.png").next().setTrashed(true);
     DriveApp.getFilesByName("page_"+ theDate+"-7.png").next().setTrashed(true);

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The GAS scripts documentation by AppSheet team has been helpful at various stages for integrating AppSheet and GAS.

I have referred several posts by User Tanaike - Stack Overflow on StackOveflow site to get ideas on GAS Google slides to PNG conversion. I have also followed YouTube videos by Laurence Svekis  on relevant GAS scripts for inserting G Sheet charts into Google slides

Points to note

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1. The approach maybe unsuitable for very high frequency reports because Google Workspace has limits on how many slides can be generated on a daily basis. Each report runs requires 4 PNG images to be created.  Also the entire process of running GAS and creating and storing images etc, takes some time ( 30sec to  1 min)  That is why suggestion to use the approach for less frequency reports.
2.  The same could be achieved with SVG files. The choice is individual. As per my understanding the GAS approach has better charting options but lacks in very frequent or instantaneous updates that SVG can do, Will request insights /comments from community colleagues.
21 5 746

Nice work!

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Neat! Super nice @Suvrutt_Gurjar , thanks for sharing!

Good Job

@Suvrutt_Gurjar Great tip!  Thank you for taking the time to post it.

Amazing! Learning a lot of app scripts use-cases from this community. Thanks @Suvrutt_Gurjar !

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