Can't move files into a shared drive subfolder without permission for the entire drive

If a user has Content Manager permission for a subfolder but is only a viewer for the entire Shared Folder they can't use the Move to command (including in gmail where it is a real issue) because the Shared Drive itself is greyed out.

This means they have to be given at least contributor permission for the entire drive instead of just the folders they need.

Any way around that? I feel like they should be able to click through the Shared Drive into the folders they have permission for.




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Unfortunately, if a user only has viewer permissions for the entire Shared Folder, they will not be able to use the Move to command and will not be able to click through the Shared Drive into the folders they have permission for.

This is because viewer permissions on a Shared Folder only grant the user access to view the contents of the folder, but do not grant them the ability to make any changes or take any actions within the folder, such as moving files.

To allow the user to use the Move to command within the subfolder they have Content Manager permission for, they will need to be granted Contributor or higher permissions for the entire Shared Drive. Alternatively, the files can be shared with the user individually with Contributor or higher permissions, but this may be less convenient for managing file access.

It's worth noting that this behavior is by design, as it helps ensure that users only have the access they need to specific folders, and that access to sensitive information is not inadvertently granted.

I think the point that the original post was making is that you should be able to NAVIGATE through the Drive you do not have write-permissions on in order to reach subfolders where you DO have the correct permissions to save the file.

Instead of restricting navigation completely Google should disable the Save Here(or whatever the button says) until you are in a folder where you have write permissions. As it stands now you must save the file elsewhere and then go to the Drive app in order to move the file.

I would say this encourages granting more permissions to the Shared Drive than you might prefer.


Yes this is correct. They user has the Content Manager permission to the folder they want to put the file into. They simply can't navigate to it. I think that is a very unintuitive system that also is encourages access to material they should have access to. I am forced to give every user in our domain contributor access to a Shared Drive because of this.

It also doesn't match the way that the system works if you are directly uploading files where you ARE allowed to navigate to a folder though the structure you don't otherwise have permission to modify. If this is intended then why is there a difference in the two workflow.

One of the better ways to get feedback to the teams that develop the various Google products is to use the built-in feedback capabilities in each product. In the case of Drive, it's here:


I have it on pretty good authority that the teams do read that feedback, even though they don't respond.

Hope that helps,


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