Drive FS attempting to sync Shared Drives

New Member

I am using Drvie FS to sync my google drive on desktop (Windows 11).

First of all, here is my preferences for Drive FS:


I have been constantly noticing an issue. I have access to some shared drives. This is what they look like on my desktop: -


The shared drives have lots of files and it is inherently huge in size. Therefore, I NEVER EVER even click on the Shared drives folder in the explorer. But for some reason, on some random days, Drive FS decides to start syncing all the files in those Shared Drives which is driving me crazy. 

It eats up all the space on my secondary storage and I have constantly clear my cache.

Please fix this critical bug as soon as possible. At least give an option whether we even want to sync the Shared Drives at all or not.

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