Drive on Mac is not showing all the content in a folder or shared drive

Looks like this is a known issue and Google is aware of this (or should be), but it is so annoying to either delete the cache or take the easy way to refresh a folder. The problem with this is that you need to know that you are missing files. If you don't know that and rely on the Drive you can be lost. 

I forwarded this to our Google reseller already and we are not alone on this. The reason I am writing this down here is that I would like to get in touch with some Google people. Sending feedback through the app is useless in regards of getting feedback and that is what I want. I want direct feedback from Google. Hopefully this is possible and some at Google reads this ๐Ÿ™‚ 

2 26 8,267

We've been having the same issue in our organization, and looked for all the possible ways to solve it but it is not working. We tried the same as you @Tom_Sch , cleaning the cache (deleting the DS folder) and refreshing the folder online for it to appear in desktop...
Could it be something linked to the AI power behind GDrive syncing trying to optimize our machines CPU usage by showing only the "latest opened" or "more recently used" or "more often used" files and folders?

Hey tschlander,


We have had many clients experiencing this issue on our end. Google also seems to be aware of the issue, and the current recommended method is to right-click the folder and select refresh. Another workaround Google has mentioned is to clear Drive for Desktop cache and reinstall the application.


Clearing Drive For Desktop Cache:
Step 1. Quit Google Drive for desktop and uninstall the program.
Step 2. Open the container folder of Google Drive for Desktop's configuration.
  • Windowsโ€” %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google
  • Macโ€” ~/Library/Application Support/Google
Step 3. Search for the folder named "DriveFS" and rename it to "DriveFS_old" in order to force the application to create a new folder at the next runtime.
Step 4. Install Google Drive for desktop using these download links.
Step 5. Launch Google Drive for desktop and confirm the issue does not occur.
I hope this helps in any way!
Dustin Gleaton

Thanks, but to be honest uninstalling the app, reinstalling, entering your credentials a few times per week is NOT a solution. The folder refresh is way easier, but Google has to address this issue asap. We are talking about a business product and we rely on this tool a lot. Using the browser is NOT an option. I hope someone from Google is reading this ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

100% agree with you @Tom_Sch , this has to be addressed ASAP by Google...!

I'm right there with you! I just wanted to share what we have been doing while waiting for Google to fix things!

Hey all! Yesterday I received an email from our Google reseller telling me that Google is aware of this issue and there will be a fix for this. It might take up to 3 weeks, but hey at least something is happening and 3 weeks are almost nothing ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

So just a heads up and if I know more I will let you know for sure. 

Best news ever, thanks for sharing and caring @Tom_Sch !

Anytime. Can't wait for this fix either. 

Thanks for the update; I feel like they have been saying this for a while.

Fingers crossed at this point! 

Looks like version 52.x.x.x is out. I thought I could download it, but it was version, but the release notes left room for some bug fixes ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks for the follow-up @Tom_Sch ! ๐Ÿค

I agree with Bol. Thanks for the follow-up. Our team just spoke with Google last week, and they told us three weeks for this update... At least we have Tom with the most updated info! ๐Ÿ˜ 

Tom, did you find a way to force the update yet?

No not yet. I will try this later this week. Keep you posted ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Tom Schlander
IT Administrator

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I just checked the version today and I am at on my MacBook M1 now.

I will good respect think

Hey folks--coming really late to the party but wanted to close this out that v52 should have a fix for this.

Hi JC! This still seems to be an issueโ€”I was just trying to switch my team to using google drive for file storage and sharing using the google drive desktop app, and our folder updates are not syncing (even when using refresh, which we would have to know to do). We were hoping to use google for this but may have to move to dropbox if there's not an easy fix for this. Others have reported this below as well.  

So, I am just now having this issue on my new M1 Mac (I was not experiencing the issue on my previous Mac, at least not regularly).

Has everyone seen this go away with past updates, or is this still a lingering issue?

Still an issue for us on M1. 


This is still an issue for us. We have a few issues with the Drive for Desktop app: 

  1. Spotlight won't index files even when you have flagged them as "offline" - this makes no sense. 
  2. Worst of all, we still have missing folders in the tree structure and the only way to make them come back is by navigating to the missing folder in the web app! 

I haven't had the second problem for a long time. You can still use the Finder to update a folder.

Regarding Spotlight. I created a shortcut for the Drive search and that works good. Not as fast as Spotlight, but usable.

Still having the same issue in 2023! Any further solutions - also the 'Refresh Folder' isnt working for me!

Like many, my company is experiencing this issue as well, and rely heavily on accessing files through finder across multiple users/devices. We will have to go back to using Dropbox, which worked seamlessly, despite the cost. This, coupled with the very temperamental Google home appโ€”I'm rapidly loosing faith in Google's products.

I'm having the same problem. I log into Google drive from my laptop and my desktop machine and tend to use Drive from Finder (Mac File Manager). I often cannot see folders on my laptop that I created on my desktop, but over the course of a few days, the invisible folders appear.  Rather than reinstalling, or deleting preferences--which doesn't actually work--try this:

  1. On the computer where you created the new folder, right-click the parent of the problem folder and "Open with Google Drive" (Open the parent in your browser)
  2. Take the folder that you created, which appears locally (but won't show on other computers using the same Drive account), drag it from your local Finder window to the browser based Drive window. Make sure that you are copying it to the right place (the display will show you clearly where it's going)
  3. Once it uploads, this forces Drive to update the folder listing. It will now appear in your other computer's Finder window for Drive. 

Tested on Mac OS Ventura.

Still a common issue, and no update seems to have fixed any of these issues yet (at least not on MacOS). Many of the work arounds are still inconsistent or don't work at all. I can tolerate there being a delay in downloading a file that is stored in the cloud until we need it, but it seems pretty basic to any type of file system and drive management to have the data for the folder structure and file names always in sync. Even with many many thousands of files this should be a matter of minutes to have equally accessible across web and connected computers that are streaming the google drive. Where is google really at on any of this?

To be honest, we had some issues with Drive for Desktop in the last week, but overall it is much better. It works reliable and fast. There are a few things I have no solution for. Some users are working and don't recognize that they are not connected to Drive (greyed out icon in the menu bar). No idea why this is happening a reconnect works, but takes a long time to get up to speed. During that time almost nothing is working in Drive for Desktop. You have to wait until all files are uploaded and / or all things are checked. 

This brings me to another issue. If an upload is not happening it is blocking all further down and uploads. So if someone creates a new shared drive it won't be visible until everything is uploaded. There is no parallel up and download. This is causing some confusing situations for a our users. 

If this could be fixed it would be amazing. I am sure there are other issues, but so far we are pretty happy. Using Version 89.xx